Jan 13, 2006 02:28
Dear Diary,
YAY for drunken nights! I apologize ahead of time for typos that are bound to happen due to my level of intoxication! Anyway... I had an absolutely FABULOUS time with all of my friends tonight! I had great thai food with thang, beth, julie, mary and wyatt and thoroughly enjoyed some of the best crab rangoons I've ever had as well!!! Then I ran to 126 to drink wine and catch up with Ms. Lindsay Schutte, who I haven't had the pleasure of talking to for SO very long! Next, I ran to bartender Mary Widman's apartment for martinis with her and her friend Wyatt as I modeled the new clothes I got tonight. Afterwards, we all ran to studio to meet up with Thang, Beth, Claire, Anne, Lisa and the rest of the gays who were waiting! I had SO much fun and I'm so glad that I decided to go out tonight!!! I feel so VERY lucky to have such great friends and I look forward to many more amazing nights this semester!
On to more serious matters! I've recently decided to pull out a student loan to buy a new laptop in response to Thang's recent iBook purchase. However, I would REALLY like a POWERBOOK and I'm afraid that I don't have enough experience with MACS to know what I really need. Does anyone out there feel confident enough with MACS to let me know how much RAM, MEMORY and so on I need to make my POWERBOOK affordable, and still capable of all that I want it to do...??? Please let me know:)
Well, enough drunken ranting! Have a fabulous night everyone!
All My Love,