Okay..I stole this from Erin

Jan 13, 2005 22:30

Random Stuff
01) favorite song? You Are God Alone by Phillips, Craig, and Dean
02) favorite word? Adenai
03) place want to be? Mission Trip......Anywhere
04) are you open-minded? Most of the Time
05) rain or sun? Sun
06) winter or summer? Winter
07) love or hate? Love
08) one moment you'll never forget? About 3:45 on the bus today
09) future career? Wherever God puts meh
10) Kids or no kids? at least 1, donno tho
11) Cat or dog? dogs rules, cats drool
12) Half empty or half full? half full, more spills when u knock it over
13) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
14) Hard cover books or soft cover books? soft
16) Sandals or sneakers? sneakers
17) Wonder or amazement? amazement
18) Red car or white car? white..red costs too much on insurance
19) Happy & poor or sad & rich? "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to Heaven."
20) Singing or dancing? singing because I can't dance (I'm white.)
21) Hugging or kissing? I'll tell ya later
22) Corduroy or plain? Plain
23) Happy or sad? Happy
24) Blondes, brunettes? Blondes are dumb..
25) 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4 or more (i have a big car, what can I say?)
26) Coffee or ice cream: Ice Cream
27) Shampoo or conditioner: 2 in 1
28) Bridges or tunnels: Tunnels
29) One pillow or two: 2
30) Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither...yuck
31) Be serious or be funny? Both...at the same time!!
32) Drink whole or skim milk? 2%..gotta be cool, aye?
33) Simple or complicated? Simple
34) Flowers or angels? FLowers....Elegant and Romantic
35) Grey or gray? Gray
36) Pet peeves? Lying....Don't lie to me or you may get it...
37) Lust or love: Love..Lust is temporary
38) Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise, you have the whole day to look forward to
39) M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles
40) Rap or rock? Rock
41) Staying up late or waking up early? Waking up Early....In Nature.
42) TV or radio? Ehhh, Depends on the Station
43) what the hell is this? This is a page made up of HTML code, displayed on a screen by agitating gas molecules to create certain colors that our eyes can see on a spectrum.............
44) Eating apples or oranges? Apples...Green ones.
45) Being hot or cold? Cold. You can always put more clothes on.
46) Tall members of the opposite sex? Erin, she's HUGE. I mean, Today, she was towering over me...
47) Sun or moon? moon...i'm a romantic sometimes
48) Emeralds or rubies? Emeralds
49) Left or right?... liquid or ice? Right. Liquid.
50) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 Best Friend. Ten acquantances suck bum.
51) Sun or rain? Rain..just to mix things up
52) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla, chocolate is for dweebs
53) Boys or girls? Girls..I don't live in San Francisco.....
54) Green beans or carrots? Green beans
55) Low fat or fat free? That's like asking if u like tasting your food or if u just like tasting a big heaping pile of suck.

Which is better with the opposite sex?
56) cute or sexy? Hmm, why can't we have both? :)
57) lips or eyes? eyes.....romantic stuff...
58) short or tall? tall
59) fatty or skinny? somewhere in the middle, can't have the wind cracking them, can we?
60) sweet or caring? I've found both
61) romantic or spontaneous? Both!!
62) sensitive or loud? Sensitive most of the time

Answer Truthfully
63) Do you have a crush? Well Yea
64) Who is it? Erin
65) Are you guys together? Yes
66) If so, how long has it been? Almost a week.
67) What is it that attracts you to him/her? I can't put her into words, that would so take away from what she is
68) Is he/she everything you mentioned above? And much much more

Other Stuff...
69) Where do you want to live? Country
70) What kind of job do you want? Whatever God wants me to do
71) Do you want to get married? Of course.

72) 1 second ago: Did question #68
73) 1 minute ago: ...Listened to Trent call me Frederick
74) 1 hour ago: Worked, maybe?
75) 1 day ago: Sat here wondering what Erin saw in me
76) 1 week ago: Wondered when I would get to see her
77) 1 month ago: Wondered when my life would get better
78) 1 year ago: I knew my life would never get better

79) I hurt: people who hurt my friends
80) I like: Erin
81) I hate: lies
82) I wish: everyone knew God's love
83) I feel: so blessed
84) I hide: bad....come on..I'm just big..
85) I drive: The Beast.
86) I learn: how to be a better person everyday
87) I wait: for the weekend
88) I will: go on a mission trip before college
89) I miss: talking candidly with people
90) I want: to have more in-depth conversations
91) I fear: doing something dumb
92) I am: the biggest dork/computer geek on the planet.

93)Current Outfit: Okay..ur just a freak
94)Current Mood: Ehh? Happy?
95)Current Music: Reliant K - Never Underestimate My Jesus
96)Current Desktop: Candle for the Tsunami Victims (soon to be a pic of Erin/Me and Erin)
97)Current Favorite Show: CSI or Without a Trace
98)Current Refreshment: Nothing
99)Current Food: Nope...
100)Current Girlfriend: Erin
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