Dec 29, 2004 00:06
Okay, the day started off pretty bad. I was spendin tha nite @ Trent's, and we were up till 4 A.M. So, Today started @ Midnight. I heard about my friend who was killed. I was very upset over it. I prayed about it and thought about it alot. At around Noon, I found myself in my kitchen damning every Islamic Tradition, Jahad, and Allah. I don't think I need to say that I was in a low place after that last update. I was pretty torn up. As the day progressed, I became at peace with the fact that she was gone. I know she is in a much better place and I almost wish I could join her. I have long dreamt of Heaven...
Okay, the events of the day. Went to sleep @ Trent's @ 4:00 or so. Woke up at 8:30. Not enough sleep. I woke up, drove Tony and Jett home, and went back to my house. I couldn't sleep when I got there....blast! So, I just kind of hung out. I waited on the mail to come. Finally, it came, and, with it, came my check for last week. Woo! I mean, I had cash already, but, it was just good to have that check in my hands. So, around 2:40, I made myself go cash it. I got home around 3. Began texting Erin and finding out when she'd be home, lol. So, she told me she should be home around 6. Well, I have to change my oil tomorrow...early...So I figured I could go ahead and get the oil to save myself some trouble tomorrow. Well, My grandma called and invited me to dinner w/ her and my uncle who is in town from california. After some debating, I accepted. I went and grabbed the oil and made my way back to my grandma's so we could leave to go eat @ Chili's. The meal was good and the company was better. I enjoyed talkin w/ my uncle. Okay, got home and called Erin. We talked from 8 or so until 10:30 when my cell died, lol. Oh freaking right, haha. A long conversation about alot of things. A very good thing, that conversation. I like Erin more and more each time I talk to her. Her personality is perfect or as near to it as I've ever seen.