[Fic] My World. SmoAce

Jun 20, 2011 16:22

Title: Mundus Meus
Rating: Safe.
Word Count: 450+
Pairing: SmoAce, Smo(secret)
Summary: "You're thinking.” Basically, Ace is being jealous of someone, you'll find out who.

Disclaimer: If I do own One Piece, then ZoSan would be canon, Ace would be alive, and SmoAce would be official.

~ * ~

"My World"                                                                                     

He can't compete with him, despite the confidence he always show. Ace always knew that he's just like any other insecure human, being a coward and totally afraid to face his own fears.


The fastest man in the world, fast asleep at the wheel
Nobody wants to be alone, so how did I get, here
When I look at you, I see him staring through
Awake and a smile, cuz he's been inside of you
Is he all the things you, tried to change me into?
Is he everything to you?


He won't blame him if the man is fond of that kid. After all, he's just love able that way. And compared to him the younger man had always been more of a challenge for everybody. Had been always a more harder chase than himself. More exciting than he could ever be.


Does he make you high, make you real?
Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel?
Love is all around you, your universe is full
But in my world, there is only you


But still, Ace can't stop the pain from clutching his heart, from blinding him whole into some unseeing fool every time the man he loves would so as much look at another way.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

But he'll love him still, and he'll fight and lie and lie some more.

That maybe the man cared, that maybe. Maybe.


I can still find the smell
On my clothes and skin
I can still see your face, when you're sleeping next to him
Is he all the things you, tried to change me into?
Tell me does he…


He sometimes wondered if the only reason the man put yp with him and his idiosyncrasies is because he's related to that kid. Because he almost look like him. He hoped not.

He really did.


I've had enough of fears, you let them out
Now I wrap myself around you
Like a blanket full of doubt
The darkness grows!
The sunlight stings!
He's your everything


"You're thinking." The man murmured beside him. He's surprised he even noticed. So it means he must have a meaning too.

Or maybe he's just that obvious.

"Yeah." No need to deny the truth, he was caught anyways.

"About what?" Smoke filled his sense, filling him with everything and nothing at all.

"About the world."

About you.


You make me high! You make me real!
You make me cry! Now you know the way I feel
Love is all around you, your universe is full
But in my world, there is only you


- Fin -

Off to gallivant to some worthy place or something.
Wish me luck.

fics, one piece, smoace

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