Nov 16, 2004 13:00
ok for some reason i got really pissed off at this journal thing. why? cause its just a bunch of bullshit. i am so tired of people and their silly little antics. seriously. catching my friends lieing and them thinking that the rest if us are to stupid to put two and two together. the fact that people bitch but do nothing about it. well guess what, ima do something about it right now and i am going to talk to you all individually. but i guess ill put a little of something in for each of you.
get over your self. live life to the fullest and move on. you arent fat jason loves you for who you are and so do your friends. as for little disputes on the side, im sure you have better things to do then get involved with other peoples shit and get all pissed.
we have our little drunk issues. i havebeen there too. i dont think less of you. everything happens for a reason, live and learn you are still mybest friend.
i know you are mad at me for don in some way or another, and i NEVER said that i thought you were fucking justin, frankly i dont care, im over him im over the situation its dead. i want to get to know you again and let this all go and fuck the past.
i know what you are going through and it makes me angry that you have to be the one going through it. but we are all here to help you go through it. i love you steph and time heals and so does talking about it and getting it off your chest.
i dont know what to say cause i havent talked to you in a long time but i do know that you made a mistake. however big or small you have to work it out with steph. that and i have some other things to talk to you about but i will save that for the little talk between you and me.
all in all.. this is sick guys. im starting to believe that what my dad said was right. highschool relationships never last. we grow up go our separate ways. its just how time works. but it SUCKS that this is how some of us had to grow apart. frankly i am so mad at some of you that i dont know how ima work it out with you but i am going to try cause thats what friends are for i guess...