Jun 28, 2006 00:29
I've found myself in an attempt to try and figure out, or at the very least understand, this whole meeting someone, dating them, and it actually lasting for more than a couple of weeks. Not that I'm on the search for a life-long partner or anything, but I can't help it wonder what it's like and how exactly that works. So, I was thinking about it today and I thought that maybe it's the lack of feeling that I should be looking for. What I mean is that everytime I meet someone new and those tingley feelings follow very close after and then things begin to get off the ground, but it drives me crazy. That craziness just does not make that clicking sound. So here I am thinking that perhaps I should attempt to follow through with the ones where the tingly feeling does not come so quickly. I'm not saying that I'm going to start dating people whom I have no initial interest in, I'm just saying that perhaps if I am to meet someone who I find to be quite attrative, but I haven't really gotten the opportunity to get to know as of yet...and perhaps the tingles are on hold for when and if we seem to mesh as two individuals...maybe this is what it's supposed to be like...and I'm going to stop now because I just realized that this must not make very much and sense and I am sounding like a complete loser...and this, my friends, is what happens when you watch too many episodes of dawson's creek back to back.