Why do I feel so weak and my memories are mixed, Parent?
A shelter made of ether is a cage for me. I am not going to fly away and leave you, there is no need to secure my stay.
I'm glad to hear your voice and feel the calm waves you create. I want to be happy and I desire you to be happy. Also, my brother, he was unhappy too, wasn't he? But he's not here. Will he be happy if he were?
[ooc;Slight accusation, followed by sentimentalism! She doesn't remember Rosiel wanted to be with Katan, so wonders if Rosiel would want to join them]
Do you want to test them? That sounds fair. But why are Lucifer and the Messiah among them? Both have proved themselves, haven't they? They helped us to kill God.
Once you are complete, Parent. It is possible Rosiel's happiness is on your reach?
We have to find the keys to unlock the cage? But where would the birds fly if everything feels like cages?
It is a safeguard against the harm that could come to them otherwise.
Would you rather they suffer..
And risk all their lives?
I don't want to be caged and I don't want you to be fated to that plight anymore.
I am not speaking for the rest of the world. I am no Messiah. I'm just Alexiel.
To be caged is such a material word..
When it is shelter that I offer..
I can only do so much to protect, Alexiel..
Would you question my acts and intent so..?
[ooc;Guilt trip!!]
A shelter made of ether is a cage for me. I am not going to fly away and leave you, there is no need to secure my stay.
I'm glad to hear your voice and feel the calm waves you create. I want to be happy and I desire you to be happy. Also, my brother, he was unhappy too, wasn't he? But he's not here. Will he be happy if he were?
[ooc;Slight accusation, followed by sentimentalism! She doesn't remember Rosiel wanted to be with Katan, so wonders if Rosiel would want to join them]
But the worth of these.. who trap themselves within my world without understanding why..
I must aid them on their path to salvation..
Else I can never be complete..
As for Rosiel, Daughter..
His happiness lays further away from my touch..
Once you are complete, Parent. It is possible Rosiel's happiness is on your reach?
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