Nov 16, 2004 10:12
Got quite a lot accomplished today but still haven't got enough balls to work again.
Yesterday my uncle Brian called and wanted me to help move some furniture so I did and I was in the basement of his house and I see this really nice fancy cool looking huge desk and I'm like wow that looks awesome or whatever and he's like you want it? I'm like...hell yeah! hell yeah I want it and I guess he was gonna give it away to one of his pals but he didn't call or came over to get it so he basically put it this way..first come first serve so we hauled it peice by peice and it looks beautiful! It's in my music room here and it just looks outstanding, seriously!
Me and Brian got everything hooked up and running today. My bro Quinton came by earlier and kicked it for a while and watched some videos. He said Super America is hiring and it's like 5 blocks and I guess he's working there now and at perkins. pretty darn cool. I was gonna go up there and apply and try to get an interview but got caught up on things I had to get done which was relevant.
Anger management was pretty hilarious today. Somehow we ended up talking about black magick, rituals and sumerian demons, pretty interesting to say the least lol. I said some things today and had some old anger which I already forgave but I went back to the time when me and my sister got into a fight and how frustrated I was and I said I hated her and I don't care about her which is a lie cause I do, I really do and I actually feel like crying about it. I forgived her and myself but I had to show that unforgiving side of me but it was crap and a bunch of lies. I love my sister and I'll always be there for her and protect her. I got her a great gift for heer birthday. I love her! she's my sis.
It's been quite a while since I updated here. I thought I'd just check in and shoot the shit why not.
Anyway this is Keith signing off, later