Oct 18, 2004 06:17
My weekend went pretty well! Saturday I hung out with Jeff, Stacy and Tony and went and seen
"Team America" before that Tony offered us some Buffalo Wild Wings so we did that and then seen the movie.
The movie was pretty kick ass! Go see it! it's funnier than shit! I won't give it away but definitely check this shit out before you see any other new movie...see this one first it rules.
My mom called in sick today she wasn't feeling too well, I hope she gets better. I guess she caught some kind of bug. I won't get into details but it was pretty bad and she was at it from 9 pm till 3 in the morning. I told her you can't go to work like this there's no way.
I'm kinda pissed off, Gina if you're reading this I am sorry! I'm pissed off cause I was supposed to have a a ride to the Mortician and Chasm show. Fucker never showed up and I tried calling some other people and by that time it was too late. Anybody care to give me a review????
So yeah tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going out with my family on Sunday to this place called Cucumbers and spend some good time with my folks. I'm not getting my mom's present till Friday which is cool. I don't expect too much for my birthday anyway, it's just any other day but when you have a lot of people who care and love ou it makes it a pretty good day.