Early morning...

Feb 21, 2006 19:27

It's been a very, very long day, and it hasn't even really begun yet. Fylene has a warm place to sleep for as long as she wants, and Kenna's looking forward to sleep in something other than the uncomfortable backseat of her car. She grabs her bag on the way through the living room, following behind Caleb into his bedroom and kicking the door closed behind her.

"Been a long time, lover-boy," she coos, retrieving a bottle of Jack Daniels from her canvas bag. She hands it to him, remembering the time they made love in the back of his father's Cadillac in the garage. It was just after she'd met him, just before he moved to college. There was a bottle of warm whiskey that night, too, and they sat in the backseat drinking until ten minutes before his father left for work.

"Old faithful, right?" she says with a grin, flopping onto his bed and kicking off her shoes. "I shouldn't be expecting a Mrs. Zukov to be coming home anytime soon and hitting me with crispin' pans or the like for seducing her husband, should I?"


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