
Feb 20, 2006 23:36

Kenna had been driving for what felt like months now. She'd gotten the cash for the car from a man in Tampa Bay, an older man who wanted to hear stories of her travels. She was pretty sure he could tell her nature, but it hadn't ever come up in conversation ( Read more... )

return, fylene

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eternalfae February 21 2006, 07:41:40 UTC
"Okay. Okay, Fylene. That's very pretty."

She crouches down to sit on the floor, crossing her legs one over the other and scooting forward a little more. "This is as far as I'll go, okay?" She motions towards the front door. "There's the door if'n ye want to run, darlin'. But the reason I brought ye here is because... because ye came outta the sky, people in the government might want to look at ye. I wouldn't recommend going out there during the day, and the day's just beginnin' now."


fylene February 21 2006, 17:21:04 UTC
Fylene studies Kenna. She notices her ears, and she just doesn't seem like the people from her home. Fylene sitss, her back to the wall, and hugs her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.

"I have no wherrre to rrrun if I go. I have no place herrre and no home to go back to." There is a slight look of sadness in her eyes. She had thought she would just die out there, in the blackness of space. "Even if I did have a home to go back to, I have no way of getting therrre." She tentativly points to Kenna's ears. "You arrre not purrre human, arrre you?"


caleb_z February 21 2006, 18:11:15 UTC
Caleb returns from the kitchen empty-handed, and takes a place next to Kenna.

“I’ve got some bologna for sandwiches, some leftover pepperoni pizza, and half a box of fish sticks in the freezer. Other than that, I’m afraid I’ve not much in the way of large chucks of meat lying around. Should, uh … should I run to the store for a large bag of cat food?”

And then, more quietly into Kenna’s ear: “Is she, uh … well … housebroken? I mean, I could get some litter there as well, if need be.”


eternalfae February 21 2006, 21:07:48 UTC
Kenna smacks Caleb's arm with the back of her hand. "Caleb Alexis Zukov! She walks and talks, what do ye think?"

She shakes her head at Fylene. "This one's a youngling. Don't mind him." She gives the girl a smile. "Well, ye heard the menu options. Anything sound good? And no, for the record, I'm not human at all."

She stands, doing a little twirl for effect, and something grows along her back under her shirt. Something faintly visible and glittering pokes out of the top and bottom of her shirt-- wings? Her ears point more and her skin becomes almost white, her usually radiant blue eyes becoming almost crystalline with the transformation. "I'm a fae, dear. Specifically, máthair was a nymph and athair was a sprite. And how rude of me that ye probably have no idea what any o' that is!"


fylene February 21 2006, 21:25:11 UTC
Fylene watches Kenna in amazement. "Such thing arrre fiction..." Her arm raises, as if she wants to touch her, but catches herself, and quickly takes her hand back.

Shaking her head, she turns to Caleb. "And arrre you a mythical crrreaturrre?" For being seemingly human, he is quite attractive...She quickly stomps out the thought and hopes she didn't awaken while in heat.


caleb_z February 21 2006, 21:27:09 UTC
“Uh .. uh … well, uh ….” He looks nervously at Kenna, and then back at his furry houseguest.

As far as Caleb knows, Kenna doesn’t know either.

“I’m not, uh .. entirely human, no.” Please just don’t ask me for elaboration.


eternalfae February 21 2006, 21:36:03 UTC
"Mythical? Well, they write stories, but I could find ye ten inaccuracies f'r every line! The tree thing? Mostly bogus. And we don't fly as much as... hover. Subtle differences, y'understand."

She gives Caleb a sidelong glance and a smile. "Och, so ye found out? I was waitin' t'see how long it'd take, smart lad like ye. An' how are we adjusting?"


fylene February 21 2006, 21:39:29 UTC
Fylene looks between the two, not understanding what is going on. She senses she had been dropped smack into the middle of serious subject, but it's as if they are speaking a different language.

"Have I asked a wrrrong question?" Her stomach rumbles and she blushes, a faint red tinge to her cheeks and that tips of her ears. "Perrrhaps some of this pizza you mentioned?" She vaugely recalled liking such things as a child.


caleb_z February 21 2006, 21:45:27 UTC
His jaw hangs open for a time. He looks like he can’t decide if he’s angry, or royally pissed off…

And that’s when he breaks out in the laughter of the wildly amused. “You . .you knew too? What, was there a memo, and someone simply forgot to CC me, then?”

Then to Fylene. “No, you haven’t asked improperly. I’ll, uh .. I’ll go get you your food.” And with that he disappears back into the kitchen.


eternalfae February 21 2006, 22:01:56 UTC
Kenna shifts, going back to her original appearance. "O'course I knew, dear. I'm a fae. We steer clear of demons. I knew somethin' had to be off the moment I met ye an' ye didn't gut me."

She winks at Fylene, pointing after Caleb. "He didn't know for a very long time. And apparently, didn't know that I knew. He's, ah... incubi. Demon." She gives her a comforting smile. "But he's harmless, really. Barely there at all."


fylene February 21 2006, 22:11:22 UTC
She stares at Kenna, trying to digest what she is learning. Demons and faeries? How can such things be real? But here she is, in their presence. Perhaps they are kinds to her because they are not human? It seems to make sense in her mind.

"What arrre you going to do with me, exactly?" She knew hiding her would only work for a short while, and she still had to learn the dynamics of this world in order to survive.

She was scared. She had thought she would die, and the thought of living frightened her to no end. She made no plans, she had no ideas on what to do to live...


caleb_z February 21 2006, 22:17:22 UTC
“Well, uh…” He looks at Kenna for a time.

“You’re free to stay here for a time if you need too.” And another curious glance at his former lover.


eternalfae February 21 2006, 22:25:49 UTC
"We're not going to do anything with ye. If anything, I'd say I speak fer both of us when I say it's best if ye don't run out into public anytime soon, though. And I know what it's like to be an outcast, dear." She returns Caleb's glance. "I have a feeling we both do. We'll help ye adjust, but ye're free to go whenever ye wish."


fylene February 21 2006, 22:31:05 UTC
She looks at the two people who have taken her in, to protect her, to help her. A strange feeling washes over her, but she can't quite place it. She thinks she may have felt something like this with her mother so many years ago.

" Is this the rrright thing to say?" She looks like a lost child, and the severity of her age is evident. She is still a child. A sad, abused child needing love and care.


eternalfae February 21 2006, 22:46:00 UTC
"Aye, that's it."

This poor thing. On a whole other planet, among strangers... it feels a lot like how Kenna first felt in the mortal world. "If I can ask... Where are ye from, dear?"


caleb_z February 21 2006, 22:47:42 UTC
He smiles sweetly, and places a hand on Fylene’s shoulder for a few moments.


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