Due to schedule wonkiness, this week and next week I am off Friday-Saturday, because normally on these weeks I would have been off Saturday and Wednesday, but since Wednesday is a holiday they have to give me a different day off. (It has to do with making sure that everyone "works" the holiday and gets holiday pay... I don't know how they work it out, but I get an extra day off so that's all I care.)
I am trying not to give myself too much to do... we'll see how it goes. I really would like to actually do ALL THE THINGS one of these days.
All I want to do right now is sleep. It's kind of a problem.
I've promised too many people that I'll be at class to skip TKD tonight, and anyway, missing the last day to review before testing probably isn't good.
In other news, Clint is convinced his foster mother has been replaced by a pod person.
Another complete failure to do what I set out to. Maybe tomorrow...
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http://eternaleponine.dreamwidth.org/31015.html. Comments can be left on either site.