Following up on my
previous post: LiveJournal is promising to bring back online all of the fandom and fiction blogs it suspended, as well as other blogs that should not have been suspended (which ones we won't know till the process is complete). However, it really hasn't resolved the issues that caused it to make the suspensions in the first place. Among other things, the chairman of the organization that owns LiveJournal still seems to be under the delusion that listing "rape" as a keyword at your blog means that you like rape.
First official response.
Second official response.
Note that the first post has been updated since it appeared early this morning. Hopefully, future posts at that blog will address the other matters raised by LiveJournal users in their replies.
During the crisis, LiveJournal suspended slash blogs, yaoi blogs, RPG blogs, adult/adult porn blogs, age-play blogs, nonfiction blogs on adult/adult sexuality, and at least one blog run by an abuse survivor.