NONFIC: The Slash Skinny | April 2007

Apr 11, 2007 03:49

The Slash Skinny is a news and market report on four genres of professionally published literature and art featuring same-sex attraction: original slash, femslash, yaoi, and yuri. The April 2007 issue is available through the link in this sentence for 99¢ as an HMTL
download. Ordering help page.

Top news this month: A slash writer leads a revolt at the new Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America blog. An award-winning science fiction author objects to the labelling of her novels as slash or yaoi. An editor who was friendly to writers of GLBT science fiction and fantasy steps down from a major speculative fiction press. A fan fiction writer hits the big time with her professionally published fantasy novels. Two new yaoi presses emerge. A printer refuses to handle certain yaoi titles. Scholars look at the legality of yaoi manga. An original slash author, a yaoi author, and a femslash author receive awards recognition for their professional fiction.

the slash skinny

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