On the importance of Divoriced Parentals.

Aug 14, 2009 18:50

Now that school has started back I now get to see my half-brother Ricky twice a day on the bus going to school and on the bus coming home. Before school started, as I sat underneath the black light backstage at the theatre I was thinking: "I haven't had time to go to dad's all summer. But.. its not like they even called to ask about me. I really do miss Ricky though..." I dismissed the thought when Scene 6 ended and i had to run out and get the tablecloth's changed. Then Silver called me the other day; he was very angry because of his dad. During our conversation the subject of phone calls came up. He said his dad always called by never talked long to him, always asking for his mother. Then it hit me, had I ever gotten a phone call from my father? Had I? I thought back and sure enough i could remember Grandma calling and asking us to come up, and Bridgett calling and asking us to come up, But never once could i remember HIM calling and asking for me. Maybe he has a phone phobia like me? or maybe he really doesn't care.

So here is some advice if you happen to be a divorce parent: Call your kids, even if they act like your calls are annoying. Just do it.

I think about my dad a lot; why he left and why he never seemed to want a part in my life. Is he proud of me? I am a All A's and B's student taking Advance placement Maths, Sciences, and English, I will be at he top of my class graduating with a Gold Seal diploma. I am taking college Religion classes after school ON TOP of the AP classes during school. I got a 26 on the ACT. I am in The National Honor Society and Upward Bound. Never once has he mentioned these things, never once has he even seemed to care. If he did he defiantly never showed it. All i have ever gotten from him was "Saw your group in the newspaper today," or "I see you were on the honor roll"

feeling under appreciated, unloved, parents, children, divorce

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