Dec 28, 2004 04:47
I just lost 6 hours of my life to a role playing game.
I have my new computer set up. It's bawlin' fo' sho'.
this morning, the jehovah's witnesses came to our house. They told us to stop them on the street if we ever wanted to talk. They look like such freaks on their little bicycles and their little suits and booksacks. silly people... yeah...
I'm going to have to.... not play neverwinter nights for that long. I want to like... run around and like... sneak attack people... O.o
halfling rogues are the best, don't even try to argue.
i mean sure, they get a -2 to their strength, but all their little bonuses (+1 luck, +1 AC, +2 to spot and move silently, +1 to thrown weapons, +1 to saving throws against fear, etc.) totally make up for it. And rogues... 8 plus the intelligence modifier for skill points at each level? yes, please.
they're the best.
oh god, i need to sleep.