May 24, 2008 08:28
Everyone left to San Jose without me! TT_TT
Anyhoo, I hope you all have/had fun! ^-^ Tell me how it goes, yea? ^-^
Yea, so once again, I am being stressed out by a project. My classmates I'm doing this other movie with are really...Ugh... I don't think I ever want to partner with them again.
Me: So when are we doing the project?
Them: Soon.
*Monday, one week before the flippin project is due*
Them: Oh, hey, , we're filming after school today. Meet at us at the statue.
Me: What? No, I have something to do today!
Them: What? But we have to do the project!
Me: It's not my fault!? *insert name*, Why didn't you text me about this at least yesterday?!
Them: I forgot.
Me: Well, I'm not doing it last minute.
Them: Okay, how about tomoorow before school?
Me: Okay.
*Tuesday morning*
Me: Hey, where are you guys?!
Them: Oh, we're not doing it this morning anymore, we're too tired.
Me: ...
*later that day*
Me: Hey, when are we doing the project?
Them: How about thursday after school?
Me: okay.
*Thursday after school (Keep in mind that we had gotten out at 1:30 that day)*
Me: Okay, so, we're filming at here (at the school), right?
Them: Yea.
Me: Okay, I'm going to the media center really quickly, okay?
Them: Yea, okay.
*I return from the media center*
Me: Can we start filming now?
Them: Oh, we decided to film at 's house, her mom is coming to pick us up at 2:30.
Me: What? But I don't even have permission to go!
Them: Oh, then can you call your mom?
Me: I can't, she's at work. (Side note: I had trying calling to her earlier to complain, but she wouldn't answer)
Them: How about your dad?
Me: Are you kidding? My dad definitely can't pick me up. Besides, why did you decide this last minute? I need to know at least two days before!
Them: Sorry. (Not in a heartfelt way either.)
Me: Whatever, I'll just try calling my mom again.
*txts mom, gets the okay to go to house. I don't feel like putting more from this day, but I will say that her mom didn't come intil 4:00 >:(*
And at her house, we got to film absolutely NOTHING. She was too busy laughing and enjoying everything. She has a really short attention span.
Anyhow, I don't really feel like writing about this anymore. But it's really messed up on how we had to meet AGAIN on Friday.
Meeting up, okay, fine. But on Friday?
I had already had plans, and I was giving TWO friends a ride home. But no, thanks to the I had to cancel MY plans.
Not only that, but they said the same thing! First they said that we were going to film at the school.
I had money to go buy myself some lunch, so I went to Carls Junior(sp?).
At Carls Junior(SP?), I get a flippin phone call from them, saying that NOW we're going to another girl (From our video group)'s House, and to hurry because her dad would be here in about 20 minutes.
I got SO pissed off.
I told them fine (I sounded scary, even to myself.), and called my mom. Once again, I got the okay.
and now, thanks to one of the girls' EXTREMELY short attention span, we have to continue filming on Sunday.
Anyhoo, thanks for hearing me out, lol ^-^
Other than that, I'm going to a quincinera(sp?) today (Saturday) ^-^ I hope I have fun ^-^
It's in a ghetto area, so I hope I won't be drugged or anything. lol ^-^
Well, bye bye for now! ^-^
annoyed stressed left behind hope you ha