Feb 21, 2004 05:26
I had to resist the urge to change "Review" to "Rock" several times. I miss the old MTV... back when they... still... didn't play videos. Never mind. Now I remember why I don't have a television anymore.
Time to review what has transpired in the previous week.
*sounds of crickets chirping*
Ah, yes, the rampant lifestyle of a hermit. I keep forgetting that one actually has to interact with others in order to have something occur. Oh well. It's not as though anyone amidst the hundreds of thousands on this site will ever traipse across these musings. No fear of bandwith usage from this account. So I shall indulge myself... with a movie review, and an observation.
The movie has a good propensity to make you laugh, especially with one particular running gag that starts at a house party. Also, seeing Matt Damon with an exorbitant number of piercings was interesting in and of itself. Last time I observed anyone with that much hardware above the neck, there was a tattoo convention involved. Standard "teen sex" film, complete with ample nudity... and a great deal of it full monty. You have been warned. There is a great deal of naked women in the movie, notably in two scenes, but it was surprisingly brief. I say "suprisingly" because I had expected the editors to appease their target audience - young males - with a greater quantity.
The scene I most want to discuss is where they are dressed to the nines while out clubbing. Two things occur here which I feel require a great deal of note. The first is when they are partaking of a particular type of alcohol called absinthe. For the amount they appear to consume, they would be dead. Half of one bottle would more than likely be lethal; they quartet seem to polish off two bottles... each. They mention that it is illegal in the United States, because of hallucinagenic properties. That is partially true. The other half of the reason is that true absinthe is supposed to be aged in wormwood casks. Wormwood, in case you were unaware, is wood that has been previously used for coffins. Yes, a corpse - and violation of a grave - is involved in creating true absinthe.
The other half of the scene is where the twins - one of whom is played by Michelle Trachtenberg - are making out. I find a great deal of irony in this, and I will explain why. A fellow writer named Patrick Kelly wrote a piece of fanfiction based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, in which Dawn (played by Ms. Trachtenberg) and Buffy Summers - sisters - become romantically involved. The fic does not have any sexual content, but delves deeply into the emotional aspect of the relationship. He was lambasted by a number of people for broaching the "perverse" concept of incest. I find that immensely ironic now, given that the make out session was used to promote the film. This is already beginning to digress into a rant, which I may return to later. For now, I'll simply allow the seeds sown on this topic to lie.
At any rate, if you seek a film with no emotional baggage and require something to give you a good laugh, I would recommend catching EuroTrip. For somthing cerebral, see The Butterfly Effect... which I may review at another date.
May your travels be unburdened.
The Eternal Sojourner