Apr 05, 2004 00:55
The hermitic lifestyle is one that, over time, a person becomes accustomed to. There are brief forays into social intercourse, but those never last very long. Take my most recent foray, which just concluded a few moments ago.
There was a comic book and gaming store I frequented, where I was becoming friends with most of the other patrons and the owners. One girl, who was overtly sexual in her actions, in her own words, "despised me." Why? Because I made comments about what she was doing. She would play with other people's breasts. She would have one friend lay on her chest, mentioning that she made a comfortable pillow. I made mention of these things, and she despised me for it. So, as to not cause further problems at the store, I took my permanent leave.
I'd like to say I'm upset about the incident, but, truth be told, I'm not. I've been ostracized by a great number of people in the course of my life, and this is just one more of those occassions. Will it bother me eventually? More than likely, yes. I just walked away from a half dozen friendships, because one person could not deal with how she appeared to others.
That path has now been swept clean and blocked off. Time to find a new path within the reeds.
The Eternal Sojourner