Stamped as the Lovers || Chakra Theme

Feb 17, 2009 10:34

Name: Susie

1. Check all following words that appeal to you:
Emotion [x]
Power []
Sexuality []
Healing [x]
Reliability []
Energy [x]
Romance [x]
Compassion [x]
Peace [x]
Creation []
Psychic []
Thought [x]
Light [x]

2. Do you rely more on logic (your head) or intuition and emotion (your heart)?
Intuitions and emotions

3. Which of the elements (earth, fire, water, air, light, sound, thought) appeal to you the most?
Air or Fire

4. What do you yearn for the most out of life?
Happy memories of my family and friends

5. This or that (which are you more like):

Emotional or Physical: Emotional
Shy or Social: Shy
Mature or Immature: Immature
Id, Ego, or Super Ego: Id
Internal or External: Internal
Self-sufficient or Reliant: Reliant
Conscious or Unconscious: Unconscious
Peaceful or Chaotic: Chaotic
Open-minded or Close-minded: Open-minded
Deep or Shallow: Shallow

6. Which of your skills/talents do you value the most, and why?
My ability to write and draw. It helps me to express what I feel and I just presonally enjoy it.

7. What would you want to be remembered in history for?
A mother, a daughter, a friend, a lover.

theme - chakras - anahata

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