Name: Ana.
Previously stamped as: The fool, heart line, opal and pisces, not exactly on this same order.
Positive adjectives: Since I have no clue (do I even have strenghts?!), I asked people who know e. I was said to be creative, sweet, kind, caring, silly, determined, friendly and dependable. I'm also said to write well, but I don't agree with this at all. The same person who said that I write well said I'm patient for dealing with some issues at home without strangling anyone...
Negative adjectives: Obsessive, unforgiving, delusional, gloomy, insecure, reclusive, nervous, paranoid, overly sensitive, overly emotional, easily worried, easily intimidated (however, I don't give up that easily) stubborn, overly insecure, spoiled, naive, childish and I also have some anger and communiction issues. Lazy when not really interested on something.
How do you deal with change?: I complain, complain and complain a bit more, but eventually I get over it.
Choose which one more suits you:
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic when cheerful, pessimistic when gloomy... Only I'm gloomy most of the time.
Dreamer or Realist: Dreamer, but I can't forget reality.
Possessions or Ideals: I think I can have both. But if I must chose, then ideals.
Leader or Follower: Since I'm more of a loner, normally neither. If I'm part of a group, it depends on who's the leader and what's the goal. If care about the leader and the group's goal, then I'm a follower. If I don't care about one or both of this things, chances are I'm just in the group because I felt I needed a safety net to get something I'm interested on. I'm aware I sound like an awful person by saying this...
Light or Dark: Both, it's not like you can have one without the others.
Intuition or Logic: It depends on the situation. I believe a balance between both would be the best.
Introverted or Extroverted: Very introverted.
Calm or Chaos: I like calmness, but I lack calm, getting nervous and panicking easily.
Secretive or Open: Pretty secretive.
Mature or Immature: Immature trying to act and be more mature.
Risk or taking caution: Taking caution, I'm paranoid and hate risks.
How would you best describe yourself in one paragraph?: There are times that I'm very serious, taking things way too seriously ( to the point of getting pissed with things like jokes ). Other times, I'm extremelly silly, and don't work hard enough, not really getting that things may be hard and/or complicated. Also, I try to be nice but there are times that I fail miserably, making me look childish and rude. There are times that I AM childish and rude (I'm pretty spoiled), but I'm trying to be mature and act politely. I also guess that I don't talk a lot, but I talk, when I need to (being stressed being one of the situations I need to talk the most, then I start talking nonstop).
How do you handle problems?: First I feel very panicky, complain and then I finally calm down and try to solve it.
What are your goals and dreams in life?: Being happy and seeing my loved ones happy too. By happy I mean healthy, loved and being loved, with enough money to live, without big problems but not bored either,
What are your hobbies and interests?: Reading, pets, gemstones, anime, manga, playing video games, daydreaming, eating candy, writing, drawing...
With no financial restraints, how would you spend a week free of work or school responsibilities?: Just traveling around my country and seeing beaches, historical places and such, since a week wouldn't be enough to travel around the world. I like to travel.
Check all following words that appeal to you:
[ x ] Emotion
[ ] Power
[ ] Sexuality
[ x ] Healing
[ ] Reliability
[ x ] Energy
[ x ] Romance
[ ] Compassion
[ x ] Peace
[ ] Creation
[ ] Psychic
[ x ] Thought
[ x ] Light
Which of your skills/talents do you value the most, and why? Honestly, I don't think I have any skills or talents. I'm not proud of myself, at least not outside my daydreams.
What would you want to be remembered in history for? In all honesty, I wouldn't like to be remembered in history, since there's a big chance people will have an idea of me that will have little to nothing to do with me, and I don't like this.
In a social scene like a party, what role would you be playing? I don't think I would be there, I hate things like parties!
What is your main philosophy in life? How do you prefer to live? My main philosophy in life? Possibly the Pollyanna philosophy: things could always have been worse. I also try to help those I like and don't do a lot of mistakes.
What is the first thing you think when you wake up normally? I normally wonder what time is it, wheter is raining or not and then spend the next twenty minutes in bed.