this is so cool...

Dec 01, 2006 18:02

Hey, remember that band I was obsessed about? Delain? (Was? More like still am obsessed).
Well, I couldn't find the CD anywhere that would ship to the US. So what did I do? I emailed the band. You know, with the email posted on their main website. And here's the awesome part:
They emailed back.

OMG that's so cool!

But the coolest part is:  the person who emailed back wasn't some rep from the record company or some spokesperson. It was Martjin, the guy who founded Delain.

Can you believe?

Martjin, Delain founder and ex-keyboardist of Within Temptation, emailed me back.

That's so cool! Of course, the email itself wasn't of that importance--he just said that they're building a new site with a webshop and to try buying it there--but who cares? I'm keeping that email forever.
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