ganked listing

Aug 25, 2008 22:08

Ganked from ryumi  or

thrivis and done cause I like silly little revealing things about myself and others, its refreshing sometimes to just get it out and the template helps

That and im really really bored

10 things you would like to say to 10 different people:

10: Darlin I love you and admire your strength but some times you make the stupidest choices known to man and I just want to strangle you in your sleep or bitch slap you silly, maybe both >_<, otherwise good luck, you’ve just taken a huge step in life and I want you to know I will always be there for you and I will always try to look after you.

9: You are so awesome and I am so glad that you are so happy in life, really knowing you these past 9 years and watching you become the woman you are today truly is a wonderful thing, so thank you for staying by my side all this time and thank you for being my friend, I love you ^_^, you are beautiful

8: Call me sometime, anytime! Just call every once in a while please? I know I don’t call that often either but still, it would be nice if you initiated the get togethers sometimes.

7: Darlin I love you with all my heart, you have helped me out so many times and you truly are one of the few people I feel I can go to for help and I truly treasure every thought you express as well as every moment we get to hang out, but if you ever repeat the mistakes of this past few years you will get a whomping like no other, I shit you not rwar!

6: You truly are a wonderful and sweet person and I hope we can stay friends till one of us croaks, thank you for standing by my side all these years.

5: learn to communicate with people, your opinion is not the only one in the world, you need to shut up some times and not treat everyone around you like a piece of shit with your nagging and complaining, you do not control the universe and we do not all submit to your will, each person has their own will and way of doing things and it may or may not be better or worse but it is different and you need to be ok with that with out trying to change it. You are killing those you love, slowly destroying their minds and killing their inner selves till they are empty shells.

4: I love you so please make sure you take care of yourself, I don’t want to  attend

your funeral any sooner than I have to

3: I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world and hope one day we can see eye to eye again, I truly did love you and to this day you are very dear to me and I hope one day we can hang out again and the world can truly be a better place

2: be careful showing licensed material at the club darlin, I know you mean well and I think you will do a bang up job running the place, but still I worry bout you and the stress you put yourself under, you tend to take on the whole world on your shoulders so please, don’t over do it

1: you are awesome, I haven’t known you very long but you are awesome and I wish you could see how beautiful you truly are, till then I wish you the best and will make it a priority to tell you of your awesomeness every time I remember

9 things about yourself:

9: I like anime, not as much as I used to but I still love it

8: as masculine as I am deep down I am a woman and truly do enjoy being coddles and huggled and pampered like a silly girl every now and again

7: if I could I would shower my dearest friends with presents every day and see that their every whim is taken care of, till then I’ll just run myself into the ground trying to do so to the best of my abilities

6: I love silly stupid kid things like bubbles and bouncy balls, tickle matches and ice cream,

5: immature is my middle name, though by choice, I do know how to sober up and deal with the world, but unless I have to I will be a kid for life

4: don’t ever EVER tell me what I do or do not need, I will kick you right then and there

3: leather is awesome, and I so want a motorcycle, maybe one will be mine in a few months

2: I will protect those near to me with my life till the day death parts us, end of story

1: I don’t like cheese

8 ways to win your heart:

8: do silly cheesy things like give me flowers or hugs,

7: treat me like a girl but don’t treat me like a girl, odd but here are some examples, I like flowers and back rubs and being told im beautiful, but don’t ever open a door or treat me to dinner simply because im a girl, never ever do something for me simply because I was born with a vagina and expect me to go along.

6: be an aggressive and openly passionate lover, I like being pinned against a wall and having my hair pulled a little and being bitten lightly but most of all I love it when I know that you are turned on. Guess that’s more of a way to turn me on than steal my heart but sex is a part of a romantic relationship and it certainly cant hurt ^_^

5: be with me, I love to cuddle and simple attention will get my heart any time,

4: be open with me at all costs and let me take care of you while at the same time taking care of me

3: Have some interest in anime and video games, things aren’t going to go far if we don’t share some of the same passions in life

2: prove you are more of a man than I am, and no im not talking anatomically

1: tell me you love me and mean it, im empathic, I respond to the emotions of those around me

7 things that cross your mind a lot:

7: how is ryumi doing

6: how is tracker doing

5: eh gawd im worried about sarah

4: hmmm with this next paycheck I could do this, or save for that….. “financial cataloguing and planning mostly”

3: I need to get out more and get me a boy toy

2: work sucks

1: whatever anime or game I am playing corsses my mind a lot

6 things you're doing this week:
(in the next 7 days)

6: driving to mendicino county and back

5: going to traffic court

4: going to work

3: hopefully getting my new hard drive and restoring my computer to working health

2: working out

1: watching anime

5 turn-offs:

5: people who expect things from you simply because they asked for them but never try to repay you

4: over inflated egos, a healthy ego is a turn on but over inflated is not, for example good: I am a handsome and awesome man, bad: I am the most handsome man you are ever going to find

3: when someone lacks the ability to take care of themselves and instead of trying to fix their problem expects others to fix it for them

2: shear stupidity and ignorance, you don’t have to have a college degree, but you have to have some sense and sensibilities, otherwise you are gone, not even worth befriending

1: lying, I pride myself on being honest and expect the same from others, few things will piss me off faster than lies, deception, or manipulation, I don’t care what the circumstances are or were.

4 turn-ons:

4: whit and humor

3: self confidance but not an inflated ego

2: a bit of aggression

1: honesty

3 moods you're feeling and why:

3: sleepy cause its getting late and I didn’t sleep well last night

2: worn out cause well life has been kinda crappy

1: antsy cause life will change for better for worse in a big way very soon

2 things you want to do before you die:

2: have a threesome or more, or overall be more sexually active and adventurous

1: get to the point where I can go out in public and not panic if im in a crowded place

1 person who completes your world:
I really don’t have one, to me someone who completes my world would be someone I really cant live without, someone who truly takes a piece of me with them in their absence, and at the moment while there are several people who are truly important to me and my livelihood, there is no one person.

in other news things may be finally looking up and when i talked to dad today about getting a cut after everythign was all said and done he was all like " let me get this straight, in exchange for busting your ass off for your mother and i for the last 2 years with out asking for any payment or complaining when we couldnt pay you all you want is enough money to pay off your bills, get your own apartment nearby so you can keep working for us, that 16 year old hunk of junk parked outside and maybe a little more money to buy some clothes and furnish your apartment? We can do that."

so whoot, if this all pans out i may get everything i wanted out of it! ^_^ 3-4 more months, thats all

and something good happened so it really really looks like everythign will work out
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