Aug 11, 2008 20:49
hey everyone! Fujin here
just an update, and life is interesting, it goes on as usual, for those of you who know about my current family situation you know what's going on anyhow, for those of you that don’t, well lets just say my family and I have placed all our eggs in one basket, and if it pans out we will have a very nice holiday season, if not we will be homeless and lets leave it at that.
Life overall looks rather grim but at the same time seems to be picking up, and for some reason in the last month or so I’ve been more active with men and seeking potential relationships with them than I have in the last year and a half, I don’t know if its the lost weight, down 35lb and into a size 14 pants now so go me ^_^ or the fact that a few guys seemed to pop out of no where and that boosted my confidence like crazy or what but damn, I feel better about myself than I have in a long time and ya know what, its rather nice. ^_^ And ryumi gave me a spike figuring from buffy the vampire slayer, and while my inner fan girl has been far more toned down in recent years it still made my day. Take it as you will. You can take his jacket off and he has a muscle tee underneath ;P and like Ryumi has been saying nothing gives success like confidence and nothing gives confidence like success, I guess I lucked out and got a bit of success before the confidence and well started the cycle.
And that’s it, gotta go to school and talk to a councilor about the last few classes I need for my graduation and my bachelors, if I take one quarter with 5 classes and the rest with 4 I can graduate this year but something tells me since I still need a second job and what not that combined with my commute it would kill me so I will tone it down and maybe take summer classes. We will see, maybe a class I have already taken will count towards my graduation. here's hoping
In other news my birthday went well and so did the sleepover though it didn’t go as well as I had hoped it also went better than I had hoped in other ways ^_^. Make sure you see the dark knight, awesome movie, depressing and a lot darker than anything Tim Burton ever came up with but awesome.