Feb 03, 2010 01:31
So, a few weeks ago, Wizard's Castle (The arcade I work at) closed down for renovations, and the staff there were moved to the new arcade, New Play. They have some really dumb rules there. Even if all the cleaning, tickets, other stuff etc, is done. You aren`t allowed to sit, ever, through the whole shift, not even standing still is acceptable. I realize some jobs are like that, but when there`s nothing else to do, what`s the harm in sitting for 5 minutes? That, I could probably get used to, but the noise is insane. The other two arcades aren`t that bad, they might take a bit of getting used to, but livable. But when you`re in a place for hours, and you need to yell just to here the person next to you, it can get sorta painful. o.o; I`ll admit, I`ve hidden my ear buds under my clothes and hair, just to get a bit of relief. The lights at the counter are pretty harsh, they`re meant to illuminate the prize cases, I guess, but honestly, after a few minutes, you start sweating, unpleasant. To add to that, the manager of the place, who no one likes in the first place, has made it so that the staff don`t have keys to anything but the ticket doors, and if they`re opening or closing, the front door, which makes it really hard to deal with almost any of the problems that come up. Game ate your tokens? Ticket counter jammed? There isn`t the right amount of balls in the ice ball, so it won`t start? Sorry, we can`t do a thing, the one in charge doesn`t think we`re worthy. Given that most of the staff there were transferred, it`s not like that sort of thing is new to us.
There is, however, one other person who has the keys. This being the manager`s friend, who she hired, seemingly only for that reason. This lady, older, has a real attitude. The first time I walked in there after she was hired. (maybe a week after, while I was still at Wizards) She was walking around bossing Lex and Cherry around. (People hired months earlier at Wizards, who were taken over there.)She`s horrible to the customers, too. For example, last week, we had a group of regulars in, they all had lots of tokens, so it`s not like they weren`t spending money. They were standing behind their friends, who were playing a racing game, waiting for them to finish so that they could play. Rae goes over there, and tells them that if they aren`t playing, they need to get out. They explain that they`re waiting their turn, and she just says that they need to go play another game until this one is free, or she boots them. No standing around. They leave, and the other (good) manager has to compensate them later. This is just one time. When something goes wrong with a machine, she basically tells the customer it`s their fault.
Cherry, shortly after being sent over there, came back to Wizard`s in tears, after hearing one too many insults from the manager. The manager has said she`s completely incompetent, can`t do anything right, and will never get anywhere. You just can`t please her. The company hates her, and keep demoting her, but apparently can`t get rid of her. I know from working with Cherry, that none of those things are true. She wasn`t allowed to close the store, and she wasn`t even allowed her own locker to keep her float in. She quit the next day, and found a job in the food court, which she`s really happy with.
Lex said he`s looking for a new job, too, guess even he, who`s really laid back, and is even okay with Rae, can only take so much. He got epically bitched out from half-closing the gave five minutes before we close. Oh, did I mention that Sheila doesn`t want us to tell people we`re closing, or make them leave? No, we`re supposed to stand there, and just wait for everyone to decide to go on their own, we`ve stood there an hour after closing, waiting for a handful of people to get the hint and leave. Even from a monetary standpoint, that doesn`t make any sense. Why pay us an extra hours wages for the group of people who aren`t spending more than a dollar or two, or even just standing around? Nice to get the extra pay, I guess, but when you just want to go home at the end of the day, it irritating, all the more so because there isn`t any reason for it.
Another minor thing. You have to keep every receipt you get, and initial it, solely because Sheila doesn`t trust anyone, and wants to `Look through them` regardless of the fact that if someone decides to take their`s home and save it, there`s no way to get an accurate count.
I haven`t seen any of this first hand, so I could be wrong, who knows, but apparently both Rae and Sheila have been making up stories. Rae told Sheila that when Neko was working, she sat down in the middle of the floor with Ryuko and Cherry to talk, and ignored the customers. Certainly not what I heard from them. Sheila told me that Cherry goes up to Ed`s to visit Ryuko, and they sit and talk, totally ignoring the customers, who are swearing, and needing to be helped. I`ve worked with these people, and I`ve never seen that sort of behavior from them, except a couple of times with Neko. Never Cherry. The story from them was that a customer had been helped and was swearing because they were pissed that Ryuko couldn`t do anything about the credits already in the machine when it glitched. Sheila is now thinking of banning Cherry from Ed`s.
Anyways, what I was getting at with this (very satisfying) rant, was that, although minor things on their own, these things just make working there unpleasant, when added all together. The good manager says, everytime they`re in there, that she hates it, and doesn`t want to work there, it`s no fun like Wizard`s was. That`s saying something.
There are a few good things about working there. You constantly find random money of the floor, I think I found like three loonies and a bunch of other stuff today. You`re actually allowed to take a lunch break, most of the time manage to keep busy and you do manage to find tokens in some places. Which is good, since it`s the biggest arcade, with the best games, but I`m thinking the bad outweighs the good with this place, or that`s how I feel right now, anyway.
Anyways, good news, one of the guys working at Ed`s (Lex`s room-mate) quit totally out of the blue yesterday, and basically, after having asked before, I`m being transferred to Ed`s as of Monday. I don`t know what the hours will be like, and I`ll probably be bored out of my mind, and it still won`t be Wizard`s, but at least I`ll get away from some of this stuff. I`m praying it`ll work out, but for now, I`m really happy about it. Yays!