[tvd - stefan/damon] 'cause right now, you're all i've got (1/1)

Jul 05, 2013 17:22

'cause right now, you're all i've got
By: White Rain
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries.
Genre: Abusive incest
Character/Pairing: Stefan, Damon/Stefan (Damon/Elena, Stefan/Elena)
Word Count: 1100
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Contains: ( cut for spoilers for fic )

tw: abuse, fandom: the vampire diaries, ship: damon/stefan, tw: rape

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Comments 10

eternal_moonie July 6 2013, 08:44:12 UTC
Absolutely AWESOME story!!!


a_white_rain July 7 2013, 20:53:35 UTC


softly_me July 6 2013, 17:20:12 UTC
this is like a mirage on my flist. seriously. the summary ALONE is like EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED.

i gotta come back to spiral though because this weekend is super busy, but to hold you over: OH MY GOD I WANT TO DROWN IN THE ANGST AND DYSFUNCTION OF THIS FIC


a_white_rain July 7 2013, 20:53:12 UTC
I MISS HAVING TVD ICONS. BUT TYZULA IS SORT OF SIMILAR TO DAMON/STEFAN. Not really. But they're both hot and messed up.

The summary was the best part to write. At first I was going to use a line in the fic but then I decided, nope. Lets just go with what it is.



ayumie July 9 2013, 20:24:38 UTC
Wow. Just wow. I just love the twisted dynamic in this one. Great work!


a_white_rain July 9 2013, 20:37:45 UTC


softly_me July 16 2013, 11:36:20 UTC
okay, so first things. i knoooow i already delighted in the summary, but i would also like to say that the combination of THAT SUMMARY and THAT TITLE is really what kills me. because that is absolutely my interpretation of damon's line. stefan is ALL damon has. damon would rather have elena, but she won't let herself be had and so he takes stefan.

With Elena gone, there was no reason to pretend there was anything else Stefan wanted.

yessssss, there's no point in pretending. there's no lexi or elena that stefan needs to pretend for. they were the reason he tried to be a functional, healthy person who wasn't in love with his brother. without them, well, he may as well just embrace it.

His strength was fading into Damon's mouth and he was sliding to the ground.

uggghhhh, i am i love with your words. and with the image of stefan dying like this, in damon's teeth. he really wouldn't mind at all.

Damon's method was messy, blood all over Stefan's face and dripping down his body and he could taste humanity. Then he couldn't ( ... )


softly_me July 16 2013, 11:36:38 UTC
When he first stirred awake on land, he thought it was just another dream between deaths. But the press of lips on his forehead felt so real that he forced open his eyes. He saw Elena. Now he was seeing Damon.

this is maybe my favorite bit. you worked the issue of damon's transferrence issues all throughout the story. damon can't have elena so he'll take stefan even though stefan will never be the person he wants, not really. and then THIS with stefan remembering elena even though he just sees damon now. because elena is real to stefan, elena (and lexi) were about being awake. damon is the dream between deaths. and now elena is gone and damon has him and stefan can't do anything but drown and drown and drown.

Damon never asked Stefan. He just took and took and took and took and Stefan stared up at his brother and kept staring until Damon started kissing him. It made Stefan dizzy with relief.ah, yes, there's my boy. he doesn't have to make any choices with damon. damon will take and take and take and stefan just has to ( ... )


a_white_rain July 17 2013, 16:32:17 UTC
this is maybe my favorite bit. you worked the issue of damon's transferrence issues all throughout the story. damon can't have elena so he'll take stefan even though stefan will never be the person he wants, not really. and then THIS with stefan remembering elena even though he just sees damon now. because elena is real to stefan, elena (and lexi) were about being awake. damon is the dream between deaths. and now elena is gone and damon has him and stefan can't do anything but drown and drown and drown.YES EXACTLLLLLLLLLLLLY. I'm bored by any implication that Elena isn't deeply intetwined an anything Damon and Stefan do as soon as met her. And while Elena is off and gone probably making out with Bonnie she is everywhere between the brothers. Clearly, with Damon, who is literally replacing Elena with Stefan. But it's there in Stefan too. Because Stefan doesn't know how to shake Elena when he wants to much less when he doesn't want to. And he owes it to Elena to remember what they were to act like what they have/had matteres. He tried ( ... )


a_white_rain July 17 2013, 16:22:02 UTC
stefan is ALL damon has. damon would rather have elena, but she won't let herself be had and so he takes stefan.
I think it's from you that I got that view. Like in the first time I watched this episode, I was just terribly horrified by everything Damon did. Part of this fic, WHICH WAS GOING TO BE LOLINCEST I SWEAR, seemed to be about capturing that horror by taking it a few steps further. And it's your view of Damon in this episode that has become mine.

they were the reason he tried to be a functional, healthy person who wasn't in love with his brother. without them, well, he may as well just embrace it.So - fun fact - I was going to bring in Caroline. I had written the scene and everything whereupon Caroline was like you're brother is raping you and I'm here and Stefan was liked I'm totally consenting. But as much I ended up liking what I wrote I had to stop it because it wasn't what I was doing with this story (Caroline is off with Elena bringing Bonnie back to life okay). So, yeah, this was Stefan isolated from anything that's ( ... )


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