
Sep 08, 2009 21:29

Geez, haven't posted in a while... had a LOT of homework, anywho I thought I'd let you guys know about the movies I have seen recently...

Okay, first off all I have to say is JOHNNY DEPP and DAVID WENHAM WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Now That's out of the way, the movie was TOTALLY action packed film based on the real life of John Dillinger.

The opening scene was TO DIE for, the most brilliantly shot and planned opening I've seen in a long time. Johnny just put the icing on the cake with his constant cocky smirking and scowling. Beautiful!

Absolutely LOVED how John and Billy met. I thought it was the most romantic (even though it really wasn't) thing I've EVER seen. Marion was great as Billy, and her accent was so cute! ^_^

Anyway, sum up, lots of guns, bank robbing, bad Southern accents (Namely by the Brit [can we all guess?] Chris Bale) and half nude shots of Johnny Depp! WIN WIN EPIC WIN!


Lil Ellie FTW! LOVE the hair! HAHAHEHEHOHO! *headdesk* THE HAIR MAN can't get over it!

Saddest beginning EVER! It's for little kids man, srsly!

Loved Dug! I have just met you, and I love you!

"I was hiding under your porch because I love you."

"I do not like the cone of shame"

"Please oh PLEASE be my prisoner!"

"Hello Alpha, your voice sounds funny" "IKNOW I KNOW! Have you found the bird?" "Oh yes, the bird is my prisoner"

etc etc etc

Poor old man, imagine? You're stuck with an annoying little boy, there's a gigantic bird and a talking dog following you, your childhood hero tries to kill you and destroy your last memory of your wife, the kid tells you off for trying to save it, and, on top of all that, you're carrying around a house!

Phew! I got tired just writing about that!

Great movie, GO WATCH IT!

That is all!

movie: publice enemies, movie: up

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