News and such.

May 20, 2008 21:58

So. Hectic life. It's been a while since I've posted. I keep thinking up things to post and then being like, "No no. I'm not up for that." Which is a completely load of horse-pucky because I've been reading my friendslist just fine. Bah.


Exciting news: I am employed! Gainfully! I have a job with a nice little company that our branch (A good thousand or so miles from the main branch) has a total of 9 people in it. Including me. And one person who works from home. I have a desk and a window and we go out for Indian food once a week.

I test printer drivers. (Is exciting. Swear.) So I've been learning all sorts of C# stoof and tromping my way through tests and learning how to actually /use/ what I learned in college. It's alot of fun.

In other news, Josh was here for about two weeks. That was fun! We hung out, watched movies, enjoyed our time together, and were just generally bums. I miss him. It pisses me off that he's in California, but it's also the best place for him to be right now so. Hrmwf.

I drove him to the airport on Saturday morning and then sat and finished my book while he went through security. I love airports. They smell delicious. They're just my favorite. XD I've decided I want to be snowed into an airport at least once in my life.

Also - I need to update my writing journal.
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