Jul 18, 2006 10:15
1. You have 10 bucks and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you get?:
spicy cheetos, gum, pretzels, and a slim jim…
2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature what would you be?:
probably a dolphin …hm, I dunno, or a sea otter! =3 OH hahaha, or a turtle like Kameo from GunXSword!! ^^;
3. Who's your favorite redhead?:
I ..am sad…that I don’t even KNOW of any! Haha…ah, how SAD.
4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house(aka ihop)?:
whatever meal has 2 bacon/sausage, 2 eggs, and 2hotcakes. Mmmm HOT GREASE!! >_>;
5. Best guy friend?:
6. Have you made out with anyone on your Myspace friend's list?:
7. Describe your favorite pair of underwear:
*blink blink* ….*looks at bulk packs of underwear*…. The dark blue ones, if I had to pick something! ^_^;
8. Describe the last time you were injured:
nah, too gruesome. All that blood and gore?! Nah.. =P JUS KIDDING! I don’t remember, but it was probably a papercut.
9. Of all your friends, with whom would you be stuck with in the jungle?
Panda, and any others who would like to colonize the jungle…either that or get us out of it! …. Reminds me of Swiss Family Robinson! XD Treehouse!
10. Are there any odd things that make you feel uncomfortable?:
I’m sure there are lots, but usually when people are making out around me with no courtesy whatsoever. *feels dirty* ew.
11. Are there any weird things that turn you on?:
HAHAHAHA……when people crack their ankles! (I bet you think I’m kidding)
12. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?:
none, just the standard stuff, and currently, it’s more like ..”what cell phone?”
13. Soda?:
good old-school Coca-cola and Sprite
16. Prescription medication?:
17. If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life what would it be?:
hmmmmm……..car, probably….unfortunately =/
18. How many people are on your friends list?:
uhm, I’m really not sure, but I have about as many good friends as I can count with my fingers and toes..and maybe ears.
19. How many people on your list do you know in real life?:
about 99%, and if I don’t KNOW know them, I know I’d want to if I had the chance/time.
20. What are you listening to right now?:
currently, “Sunday Morning” ~ Maroon 5 just came up on the ipod.
21. Most recent movie you've watched:
Pirates sequel! It was good! I don’t know why so many people didn’t like it just because it was a cliffhanger..there’s nothing wrong with them, you know…
24. Name a teacher you had the hots for:
that’s kind of very disturbing, but I’d say many people would find Mr. Brown a cool dude.
[edit: for the female one, i'd have to say ms. Nish....hehe, pretty]
25. What is a saying that you use a lot?:
“ell oh ell” …I say that a lot a lot ...YEA……. *hangs ‘dork’ sign on self*
27. What is your favorite part of the chicken?:
definitely drumstick, everything else is ..eh. wing is too small, thigh is hard to manage, and breast is just too much meat.
28. What's your favorite town?:
I’m forced to say Fremont because I’ve only been HERE! -_-‘ but I don’t think it’d be my favorite if I just traveled some. Not that Fremont is necessarily that bad… but you know.
30. What's the first word that comes to mind right now?:
How should I know? I’m concentrating on the survey. I see this question so often, and it’s like “if I have to THINK about the first word, I need a subject first right?”
31. When was the last time you saw your mom in person?
couple hours ago….. STILL recovering! =p Jus kidding, haha
32. What makes you feel like puking?
the drunk smell, and smells of refuse…oh and eating expired food.
33. Who got you hooked on Myspace?:
I was never really hooked on Myspace. It’s not worth getting hooked on.
34. What did you have for dinner last night?
hot-and-sour tasting soup, greasy fob noodles. *shrug*
35. How long have you been at your current job?:
37. What's the last thing you said out loud?
um…that was a long time ago, like hours ago. I believe it was Goodbye to my mom at the Bart station.
38. Look to your left, what do you see?:
another computer (I’m in the computer lab “doing my bio lab writeup”)
39. Who is the last person who spent $100 on you?:
parents, probably, on Cal tuition -_-‘’’’’
40. Who's your favorite villain?:
Many many anime villains come to mind, but off the top of my head, Xellos (Slayers) and definitely Suigin-tou (Rozen Maiden) ^_^;
41. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?:
uhm, I don’t really borrow, people just gimme hand-me-downs, but Vanessa recently gave me really pretty sweaters. =)
43. What phrase makes you laugh no matter where, when or how?:
“KUPO?! “ and “Yeeearblearble!!”
44. Go into your text message log on your phone ... what is the last text you received?:
“what cell phone?” ..that and people don’t usually text me, it costs extra for me.
45. Where was the last place you slept besides your bed?:
some other bed? I wish I had a car, so I could sleep in that.
46. Do you like anyone right now?:
yea…my best friend, DUH. But depending on your definition of like, that answer could change.
47. Can ex's just be friends?:
mmmhm, but usually their lives diverge so they lose touch, but yes, it’s very possible.