Well, i can't believe that you are such a bored person to go and look up sited and things like the stripper & that stupid thing you poke i mean c'mon josh! lol okay, im just kidding, i was being a bit harsh \= hahah Soooo, about your update... That's so sweeeeet, a whole update about meee! awhhh! ;) hahah, i think i might have to do that about you! Well, most of the time i talk about you anyways, but still! hahah. I really hope this turns out into something too, i realllllly love being around/with you, you make me sooooo supppppper happy! i love every second i am with you! hahahah like i said, there is like not one dull/silent moment when we are together lmao! Welllll, i think imma get offa here and go finish talking to you on the "Q" & welp, yeahh hahah. MWAHHH!! <- (since i couldn't kiss you Monday ;) LOL. *MML <3
Gosh! You mean harsh person! =((( What a nice way to start off ur comment! But at least I still know I have you whipped! ;) Yup a whole update bout you, but you've already had one about me! lol Nope, never a dull moment with you! *wink* *wink* But yea back to ICQ & beeing completely uber bored with you being mean to me! <33
Josh: "After Moses died Joshua succeeded him as leader of the Israelites. The name Jesus was a variant of the name Joshua." Kelsey: "you are gifted at communication" hahahahahahaha!
Hahahah Nahhhh I was just kidding about the first few words i said in that comment^ ; im sorry! & NO damnit, im not whipped!! Hahahah YOU ARE ;) Yay!! one whole update about me, i so happay! Lol. & OH YEAH i forgot about that update, how could i? Well, i remember now...Lol Not a dull moment, GAWSH! I wanna see you; its just wayyyy too boring over here, i need something to keep me occupied! ;) im boring you????? gawsh, i guess i wont talk to you then ;[ <3
Ur first few word: "Well, I can't" YOU are the ones that's whipped, I'm never whipped! Neverrrr! I'll see you tomorrow I guess then babe! =) I can't wait! Oh yes! No, I meant that I'm bored & that I'm talking to you. You are keeping me entertained. lol Awwww don't cry, I'll shut up about it! <333333
Nahhh, Im not whipped never Muahahaha! I stole your word ;p & yessss you are whipped, you KNOW you are! Hahah ;) & I can't wait to see you tomorrow either, gawsh!!<33333 & Im sorry i bore you.. you could have told me sooner \= Lol. jk jk, & ahh i aint gonna cry, but its great! that you are gonna shut up about that one thing! ;) lmao hahahah okay, that sounded mean too, i sorry <33
There you go stealing my word! How dare ya! The first step is admitting....cuz you know you are! I think my parents may be ruining tomorrow babe... =( They are wanting to take off to ATL! Gahhhhhh! Stupid damn company! & You don't bore me babe! I promise! Ohhh you just want me to shut up huh! =/ K then! Bye <33
Muahahahahaha! I stole your word, what are you gonna do about it biotch? Lol. Im just kiddin' you know i love you! Hahah ;) Uhmm, No i aint i believe YOU are!! Butttt no im not whipped, i promise! ;) &&& Yessss, today was kinda ruined, butttt that's totally fine! We can see each sometime eles but yeah- its fine! (= & if i do bore you then, lemme' know. & no i dont want you to shut up NEVERRRRR <--woops i took your word again! ;P but i think i am FINALLY done with this comment and you can read now since you about to spaz out on me! ;p lol bye babe <333
=( So I'm a bitch now. Welllll damn! Now I'm gonna have to totally beat you up! ;) Yea, I'll be seeing you really soon babe! Hopefully reallllllll soon! I go crazy when I don't! QUIT STEALIN MY WORD YO! lol I think it took you like 30 minutes for you to write that.......that's really bad babe! lmao <333
Awwww, no you're not a bitch now, you always have been ;p Hehehehahahaha! Okay, im just playing you're NOT a bitch .period. you're MY bitch LMAO ;) & I want you to try to 'totally beat me up' When are we gonna see each other again? I miss you realllll bad! I can have practice tomorrow OR friday ;) Sooo yeah, if you want then i can see you tomorrow after school; only if you want. & if i don't, i think i might have to go crazy with ya! haha. & about me stealing your words, im sorry "YO" ;) Im sorry about taking so long, it's hard for me to do two things at once, well.. type and talk on the phone anyways ;p hahaha! & i still haven't got my ICQ working, but as soon as i do, i guess we can talk on there.. but i doubt it will be working tonight \= just call me before 10:30 - i think imma go get me a shower right now so .. i will talk to you inna' little while bye babe! <333 *mwah!
Ohhhhh whatever! I'm no bitch! Not even yours! lol Practice was good for ya today I bet! Haha! ;) And I'll be sure to pick you up tomorrow too! =) I hope you get your ICQ working soon babe! But til then I'm vurrrrrry happy talking to you on the phone a lot! Yup! Can't wait to see you tomorrow babe! <333
Yess! You are MY bitch ;) & ONLY MY BITCH! Muahahahahah! Practice was GREAT! Hahah ;) & Yessssss, you better be picking me up today, cause' if you dont then i may cry =(( you don't want that do ya? Lol. Okay, i wont cry buttttt i'd miss you, BAD. & I hope my ICQ works soon too, i have like nothing to do now ;[ butttt inna' way its better cause' i talk to you on the phone & its better hearing your voice then reading a big buncha' words. Hah.. Can't wait to see you today! <33 BTW; your journal looks "manly" lmao ;)) *MMMML♥
Oh helll no! I'm nobody's bitch! And you are whipped by me! So pfft! I definately don't wanna make you cry! I'll be sure to pick you up again! My voice sucks! Why the heck would you want to hear it? Oh lawdy..... But neways, I can't wait either! Glad you like my rugged & manly lay-out! ;) <3333 Lots of love!
Hahahaha! Ohhh hell yes, you are MY bitch. ;) & Nahhh, Kelsey+Whipped= NOOOO WAY ! Hahaha ;p & you was there to pick me up today, so i didn't have to cry, yay!! & you was on time, woot woot! (((= Your voice, it doesnt suck at all you sound hawt baby! <3 & of course i like your layout lots and lots & lots more love!!!! <3
Soooo, about your update... That's so sweeeeet, a whole update about meee! awhhh! ;) hahah, i think i might have to do that about you! Well, most of the time i talk about you anyways, but still! hahah. I really hope this turns out into something too, i realllllly love being around/with you, you make me sooooo supppppper happy! i love every second i am with you! hahahah like i said, there is like not one dull/silent moment when we are together lmao! Welllll, i think imma get offa here and go finish talking to you on the "Q" & welp, yeahh hahah. MWAHHH!! <- (since i couldn't kiss you Monday ;) LOL. *MML <3
But yea back to ICQ & beeing completely uber bored with you being mean to me! <33
Josh: "After Moses died Joshua succeeded him as leader of the Israelites. The name Jesus was a variant of the name Joshua."
Kelsey: "you are gifted at communication"
Shewwww, shut up about that imma cry! lol
(= <3
((= <333333
Yess! You are MY bitch ;) & ONLY MY BITCH! Muahahahahah! Practice was GREAT! Hahah ;) & Yessssss, you better be picking me up today, cause' if you dont then i may cry =(( you don't want that do ya? Lol. Okay, i wont cry buttttt i'd miss you, BAD. & I hope my ICQ works soon too, i have like nothing to do now ;[ butttt inna' way its better cause' i talk to you on the phone & its better hearing your voice then reading a big buncha' words. Hah.. Can't wait to see you today! <33 BTW; your journal looks "manly" lmao ;)) *MMMML♥
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