J.J. Kelly vs. Clintwood

Oct 23, 2004 13:53

That was one of the funnest games I have been to in a long time! Not cuz of the actual game, though! I saw so many awesome people & met new ones! ;) Yup! I first showed up & Doc was the first to yell my name. Walked to the tailgate party & then came Kayla dashing after me & I think she hugged me for like 20 minutes non-stop. Nelli (Noelle Culbertson) was with her & I haven't seen her in awhile. She gave me hugs too of course! Finally, I made my way into the game with Doc & friends. Me & James Lawson stopped to hang-out with Sheababy & Tamra for a bit! They are both awesome! =D And I loved my Sheababy hugs! *mwah* I had Nessa stop by & give me a hug & Leah even came & talked to me! Leah didn't talk to me very long she left shortly after all of the nipple pinching. (damn I got attacked the most) Then me & James went to hunt for Doc & I saw several gals during my adventure & got more hugs.

Ended up seeing him after we did almost a whole lap & he wasn't that far from where we were. Would've been quicker if we walked the other way. I ended up seeing several people up there stoppin talkin to me like Whitt & Nathan & Peter & my cousin, Alex. La-de-da I'm sure you're already tired of readin all these names & shit. But, you all wanted me to update & I'm just jabbering about stuff so it will look like a decent sized journal entry. I'm not too big on getting on the computer much. But on with the game...Doc & that group ended up leaving the game & I thought I'd be all on my lonesome with nobody to talk to. I made it about 5 steps & already found another group to hang-out with. I walked with Kayla & Nelli. Tons of fun there.

Neways the kewlest part was half-time! I got to hang-out with my bestest friend Danica for about 10 minutes. Even got to see Pam & she talked to me too! =O I'm just super-special! Met a few new people then off the C-wood cheerleading team at half-time. I saw the one that never talks to me anymore also! ;) (If your wondering who that is it's Nikki) lol Then I saw Becca for the first time also. I always pictured ya with light hair, but it's way better dark! =D I waited til the end of the game so I could say bye to all my awesome cheerleading friends! Walked with Danica & Pam to the high school then I had to say bye, cuz my dumbass self parked way down Lake Street. That about wraps up that night! If I left your name out I sowwy! You know ILY! =)

Now I'm gonna make you dance
It's your chance
Yeah boy shake that ass
Oops I mean girl girl girl girl
Girl you know you're my world
Alright now lose it
Just lose it
Go crazy
Oh baby
Oh baby, baby
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