Hmm...What should I say...I spent my last 2 days playing video games just to avoid my girlfriend, or that I have been working at Lowe's & spending time with my nieces....What do you think?
To Kayla I do nothing at all but play video games, but the times I usually talk to her are in the evening...and well I do play video games in the evening. I love you so much Kayla and I understand that you have a lot of shit in your life, but why the hell are you venting towards me as well? But I won't discuss petty things on livejournal & maybe I will take precious time off of my game to talk to you.
Oh! I saw my lil gal J-Duh at Lowe's today! So if you're reading this I love you muchly! ;) But I have to love my Kayla more, of course! lol Alissa let me sneak in a couple pictures of me & her, but Desiree kept trying to eat the camera so here ya go....