
Dec 11, 2007 00:50

Fandom: Star Wars
Character: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Rating: G

001. universe

Once, when he was younger, when he was still Anakin, he had declared that he would visit all the stars in the universe. And though he never quite managed to fulfill that childish declaration, for the universe seemed ever too big and always getting bigger, he did visit a great many stars. As a Jedi fledgling he had flitted from star to star in a whirlwind of excitement, never staying too long in one system.

As Darth Vader, a Sith lord in his own right, he stayed longer in the star systems he visited, like a Tatooine sand storm, still moving forward but slowly, scouring the ground it passed over and picking up debris. Rebellions crushed, he moved on.

But he had always failed to go back to those stars, and planets that he had all ready visited. He failed to stop and really look at what lay behind him instead of the infinite space that sprawled before him. If he had only looked-

His greatest folly had always lain in not being content with what he had.

For: 100fandoms

Notes: I apologize for any butchering of the Star Wars fandom... I have only seen the original trilogy and the first two of the new prequels and that was a long time ago... -.-;;;

star wars, 100 fandoms

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