Sunrise, Sunset

Oct 23, 2006 00:10

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Zack/Cloud
Rating: PG

.031 sunrise

Sunlight streams through the fingers of his upraised hand, forcing him to squint his eyes. Beyond that, he can see hints of the blue sky and his companion's namesake drifting by in wisps. For a moment it's quiet, the babbling of the brook muted and the birds long since flown south for the winter. For a moment he can, if not forget, ignore the past five years and the worries of the future. For a moment the tight coil of something in his chest unwinds and he can breath again.

If only for a moment.

And then the sun has risen and time unfreezes and Zack gathers Cloud up in his arms again and starts walking.

.032 sunset

One moment he's drifting, the next he's falling. He doesn't know how long it's been, but when he finally opens his eyes there's red everywhere. It's caked his hair, seeped into his clothes, painted on his skin. He doesn't want to, refuses to, look for the source of all the red. He knows that if he does things won't ever be the same again.

So instead he manages to turn over onto his back, only to cry out in horror when he sees that the sky is equally red, with great angry lines running through it. And god, he can't run from it can he? The world is red, red, RED and if his world is soaked in red it can only mean one thing.

Zack is gone and Cloud has no where left to fall.

For: fanfic100

last order, zack/cloud, big damn table, ffvii

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