Some thoughts and personal opinions ...

Oct 13, 2008 21:23

Saw a blog of 17 year old girl who is married to a 47 year old man (true story locally, not some rich dude marrying a young girl from some third world country). I did not read through the entire blog, but from what I saw thus far (disclaimer: may not be 100% right). She dated him for almost 5 years! That means, she knew/dated him since 12!

That is a long time. Maybe it is really true love. But my personal opinion is that, it would be probably better to wait until she is 18 or preferrably >21. Not because of the age gap, but more of, is she sure this is what she really wanted?

I mean, most people are still fuzzy about what they want in life, even when they are >21. I just feel that 17 seemed a bit young to fully experience life, and she may regret her choice later on. Because i just feel that the 20s of present era, is the time where you get to experience all sort of things, temptations, heartbreaks, etc... Eventhough, you may still be fuzzy about what you want in life, at least, your fumbling around gives you an idea what you do not want.

I do not know either of them. So I cannot really judge. Maybe they know what they are doing, and are really sure about it - true love. My only concern is that girl might change her mind when she is older. And this may be devastating to both parties concerned.

Some people never grow up (yours truly). Other grow up late. But some grow up early. But anyway, just wish her all the best! It is just that I have seen quite a few of divoiced young mom (in their early twenties, bringing a young child around while their comptempary are still pubbing/clubbing away).


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