I'm beautiful in my way//cause God makes no mistakes

Jun 17, 2011 17:11

 Meme from remixied ^3^

- Comment with "Hit me!" a pick up line of your choice fragment of your favourite lyrics- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.

1) five favorite things?
as in material things? I don't think I have 5 favourite things like that... my laptop takes the first place in every list, I wouldn't be able to live without it, even if it's a bit temperamental sometimes XD it has a sticker under the keyboard that says 'KEEP SMILING' with a big smiley face :D second thing could be my favourite perfumes, Eternity Moment, that's actually when my first screen name came from, Eternity~ ^^ my favourite drink EVER is tea, I drink litres of tea weekly, I have the bad habit of buying various kinds of tea even if there's no free space left in my cupboard /o\ ohhh. CHOCOLATE! that's my drug of choice, I'm shamelessly addicted to chocolate <3 pretty much every kind, although I do like dark chocolate the most... and lucky last: baking *_* my family often jokes I should have gone to a cooking school instead of my current major, but the truth is I wouldn't mind so much! I love baking for family/friends, just my luck I don't have anyone to bake for when I'm away from home /o\ I could just move to japan/korea and be a housewife ;~; I like cooking too, although I'm not as good at it as I am at baking :/

2) how did you get into kpop? 
I have this friend who's been into korean showbiz scene a while now, we know each other from old harry potter days, she's from my hometown, so we naturally kept contact after HP days finished for us. We were supposed to go to 6th HP film premier, so I went to her flat a few hours before the film was supposed to start, because she lives near the cinema. She was listening to mirotic/wrong number for hours on repeat then, she showed me shinee's juliette mv and wrong number kind of stuck in my head after I went home. from dbsk to shinee to wider variety of kpop and then through some random convention where I saw super girl mv, found kyuhyun super hot to super junior stanning ^^

3) tell me something I should know about you?
accessories with bows are my guilty pleasure /o\ you can judge me now OTL

4) if you had to live the rest of your life without one of your sense, which would it be and why?
seriously? you couldn't ask about my favourite colour? XD I think if I had to choose one sense to go without I'd choose smell. it'd affect my taste too, cause they're pretty much inseparable, but there's always a small chance I could taste something. I can't imagine living without sight or hearing, touching is something I really enjoy, I'm a very touchy-feely person, I hug people all the time, I like randomly touching my friends hands/arms/legs/whatever, it gives me the sweet feeling of familiarity, the simple fact I can do that makes me smile :)

5) what is your proudest accomplishment? 
up till a few months ago I thought my greatest accomplishment is that I got accepted by the university of my choice, 400km from home, the university that was once on the third place in Poland... but rankings changed, my uni fell down and it's somewhere in the first 15, but it's not as good as I always liked to believe :| as it is right now, I will be really proud of myself if my plans for going abroad after finishing masters degree will come to life.


fun stuff, i should be studying rn, meme

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