May 23, 2014 19:13
So I mostly seem to be lurking on Tumblr these days, and have reached that kind of critical mass thing where the amount of things I could blog about over here in DW/LJ land is so many that I don't know where to start and then anxiety, procrastination and, ultimately, no posts at all.
...well done, me. *pats on head*
So I figured I'd overcome that, and that's mainly because I have a big (BIG) news that kinda trumps all of the inconsequental spur of the moment things (Tumblr via my phone--or more usually, the poor people I have on Whatsapp--gets that to a degree), so that's a good place to start, right? Also, it's been announced at work, so I can actually talk about it :)
Big news is thusly: B is leaving the practice to go work elsewhere in a management role and Boss has offered me her job, so officially as of the 18th July (although I'm already shadowing B and taking over certain things) I'll be Head Nurse. Ahahahahaha responsibility and managerial job aspects and all that jazz, including sitting in of the interviews for a new nurse (also more money and a shuffle of the rota with a hopeful reclaiming of my weekends by the end of the yeaaaar).
So yeah. That is a thing that has happened to me!
Relatedly, involving work:
- If we could stop this run of lovely (and young) animals with terminal malignancies, that'd be AWESOME.
- On Tuesday, 62kg of juvenile (in both physical age and behaviour) dog decided to go in one direction, and that he'd like to take me with him. Unfortunately, my left leg didn't want to come and my knee went "crunch". We're operating on the assumption that it's just a sprain, so I've been icing/strapping and trying to rest and it is already less crunch and more squish (and less painful). If the bits of this week that didn't include cancer patients weren't filled with massively obese dogs then it'd probably be better still but, ah well, c'est la vie (this is the same knee that has ligament and meniscal damage from that time a couple of years ago where I tripped over a condolence bouquet five days after my dad died and ended up in A&E in tears for a variety of reasons. If you're going to do something, do it well and all that)
Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!
state of me