*bangs head against something*

May 16, 2013 21:59

ugh, not cool person trying to hack my bank account by mirroring my paypal activity. Firstly, GOOD LUCK trying to withdraw THAT amount out of my account, secondly, my bank flagged it and I have my mobile set as a security key so one texted N and you're shit outta luck.

Of course, now my account is frozen awaiting a call back from said bank to "discuss" this activity.

Man, you try to be nice, and some arse has to try and wiggle on in there.

Anyone needs me, I'll be over in the corner, continuing my gradual slide into becoming invested in a sport*

ETA: callback achieved - scammers tried two withdrawals somewhere in the contiguous US (one in Florida and the other in Illinois) that were refused, so I've not lost any money, however my debit card has been cloned and is now cancelled. Three working days until a new one arrives, so I have the contents of my purse to my name (and thank fuck I did my weekly food shop yesterday) unless I manage to get to a branch of my bank with multiple forms of ID and do a counter withdrawal (chances: not good. My local branch is only open at times that are precisely the times I'm three villages over at the branch surgery tomorrow, and then it's the weekend).

Also, apparently, a direct debit to AOL went out of my account on the 10th of this month, which considering I cancelled that three years ago when I MOVED HOUSE (and also the address that debit is tied to literally and actually was bulldozed to the ground at the beginning of the year), I call FURTHER SHENANIGANS. So I do actually need to stump over to the bank next week and make with the crazyfaces.

*throws hands up in air*

Now I'm going to go and salve my grumpies by looking at hockey stuff on tumblr. life choices = best.

*ahahahaha ice hockey. I blame, like, 85% of the people I hung out with in Boston. ALL YOUR FAULT.

Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!

fannish, /o\

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