(no subject)

Mar 06, 2013 23:30

Unfortunate things I discovered today:

Low sugar Alpen, for some reason, contains dried milk powder.

If the question was asked "so when you work late shifts and/or have shitty busy days and don't get to eat any other food at sensible mealtimes, do you have a fuck off big bowl of museli for lunch/dinner/I-need-food-or-I-will-actually-be-sick?" then I would be answering YES. Except, after yesterday I now answer HELL NO AHAHAHAHA OW.

Because that's exactly what I did after spending four hours scrubbed up with Boss for a lap-assisted extra-hepatic portosystemic shunt repair (after a morning surgery that was roughly equally hilarious busy and hilarious complicated). Because I was so hungry that I actually felt sick (which. Okay, was kinda blending in with the 'bad neurochemsitry making me feel sick' and the 'IBD flare-up making me feel sick', so I was mostly able to ignore it for most of the day), except then what I ate actually made me sick /o\

Epic fail, me.


In totally different news, today we had to put down one of my long-term patients because the lymphoma had gone to her brain and--yeah. It was time for her to go, and it was really calm and peaceful and nice (she climbed half into my lap for cuddles and the owner fed her chicken pieces), but at the same time, sadness. Because I was her primary-care nurse for all her chemo* and we had cuddletimes for at least an hour a week for the past eight months, and she would actively tow the owner across the road to come and say hello to me in whatever situation.

So. Yeah. That sucked.

*blah blah, chemo drugs are scary, blah. We designate a set nurse/vet combo for each chemo patient so that they get acclimated to you and don't freak during the actual admin phases, because, hey, chemo drugs are scary.

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work, /o\, state of me

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