So it's been kinda a while since I've posted with anything of any substance at all. Sorry about that (or, alternatively, sorry for breaking the peace and quiet)
New things in me land:
- I had a birthday the other week! During the course of the week or so around it, I got very drunk, went to the theatre to see Rock of Ages, saw Frank Turner at Camden Roundhouse with
cholten99, and saw Sunday Driver and Abney Park at Scala. ALL THE LIVE MUSIC MUAHAHA
- There was a new Thursday Next book last month! Come and be spoilery with me in the comments! (my thoughts = *flaily*)
- I have a 30th birthday party to go to this weekend. Teppenyaki and a mosh club are going to be involved :D
- My birthday present to myself (funded in part by everyone who asked what I wanted and didn't recoil from my mercenary money! I have a cunning plan!) was a
transformer prime. Expect wedding invitations. I am VERY GLAD that I live in the future and that means I get to have this beautiful, beautiful thing. It has made being faily and having multiple emails simple and amalgamated! It organises my life! It now contains enough fic-as-ebook to start up my own archive (this weekend was spent abusing the AO3's download feature and calibre), it is very very pretty (shallow. Like a puddle in the Sahara) and customisable and expandable and integrated and it only weighs 1.5kg!
- I. Yeah. I want to marry my combination tablet/netbook. I found the NASA apps that let you drive simulation rovers and look a starcharts, guys! Starcharts on a hidef screen you are actually encouraged to paw at are SO MUCH WIN.
- Old laptop is being cleaned up (slowly) and is going to be my music library (sorta) and the thing on which I play WoW while I consider my options re just upgrading the graphics card, or waiting to see whether I'm inheriting the brother's desktop or getting a cheapo desktop tower self build of my own to hook to my laptop to run WoW on settings above average (lol. I could actually end up raiding current content by the end of the year)
- Speaking of WoW, I'm currently downloading the panda patch, after which I have to see how broken my addons are, and then completely overhaul Indi because talents and glyphs and that have been completely changed, and I suck at getting my head around stuff like that if I'm just reading about it. /o\
Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!