The way that I am obsessively refreshing my email waiting for the yay-or-nay email regarding presale for Muse is possibly only exceeded in dorkiness by the way that I have also queued up two seperate gigsandtours tabs for general sale tomorrow (one for each day), plus a tab for ticketmaster.
...or possibly the way that I totally swapped shifts to be on the late (third in a row) for the given (minor) reason of having a root canal at 11am, but mainly because general sale starts at 10am, and I am prepared to suck up the high likelihood of late-finishing, exhausting shenanigans if it means that I am guaranteed to be free to be online from 9.55am tomorrow morning, refreshing obsessively.
*cricks neck and flexes debit card*
Also, people everywhere should totes go paw over the
trailer for the new album. My face is pretty much stuck in :D whenever I watch it (and then, at ~1min 10, when the ridiculous dubstep-sounds-actually-made-by-Matt-Bellamy-and-his-ridiculous-guitar-skills starts, it's more :D!!!).
Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!