
Dec 13, 2011 19:15

Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you, They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

eledhwenlin gave me:

1. Vets
So this actually has a couple of meanings. it could either be the fact that I work in a vet(erinary practice)s, or that I work with vet(erinary surgeon)s. ;D So for the newer flisters (although I'm guessing that's not many of you as I, uh, kinda go through stages of talking about my job a lot); I'm a veterinary nurse. That means I work with animals, where work often equates to some part of me being nommed, tiddled or horked up on by a surprising variety of species. Uh...also last week I totally spent Friday night operating with a vet in order to remove a darning needle from the middle of a dog's liver. I can picture your faces right now *lols forever*

2. Cemetery :D
Okay, the other thing that many people know about me? I live in a kinda funky converted building. And by kinda funky I mean that the building is actually a fuck-off huge Victorian red brick church (non-consecrated). That, chickadees, means that my back garden is a graveyard. I heart my en suite graveyard, even if it does have a freaking Weeping Angel in it.


For the, like, half a person who doesn't already know this (extended) story: In 2009 I went to Muskrat Jamboree for the first time, roomed with a bunch of awesome people, and shared a bed with
omphale. The first full day we were there, a somewhat extended bunch of people were hanging out in our room (possibly because the hotel wireless at that time only extended to public areas, but being wily fangirls, we'd totally organised for a roomie to bring a wireless router to convert the single in-room network point into a source of blessed internets for impoverished fangirls everywhere), internetting and generally being our dorky selves. O found the remote for our Sleepnumber bed (for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of this particular aspect of US hostelry; it's basically pneumatic mattresses that you can change the firmness of to suit the people sleeping in the bed. In the case of the doubles and queens, each half of the bed is inflated/deflated independantly of the other) and decided to play around with her side of the mattress.


No matter what combination of buttons she pressed, she stayed high and dry on the mattress equivalent of ROCKS ALL THE ROCKS. I, however, was suddenly jarred out of my fic-reading by the realisation that I was, well, sinking. Rapidly. There was much hilarity, up until the point that we realised that no combination of button pushing could induce my side of the mattress to reinflate. Luckily, shortly thereafter, housekeeping were in the room, and repaired the bed...which promptly deflated the next time I got on it. And stayed that way for the entire con.

FAST FORWARD to this year. Muskrat Jamboree. I'm rooming with
elipie and sharing a bed with
likeaglass, with a connecting door to a room that contained
mickeymvt and... I am having a brain freeze? The actually logistics of who was sleeping in our rooms was kinda moot, because we had pretty much ALL the booze (all of it), so the average fangirl concentration of our rooms was only exceeded by the actually fannish spaces downstairs. NGL, it was pretty awesome :D

ANYWAY. Nell, O and sundry others totally spread about the tale of my (mis)adventures with Sleepnumber beds, and there was much hilarity. And then there was booze. And Acadia got ahold of our bed control. *facepalm* Within about five minutes, my side of the bed had completely deflated and refused to reinflate to anything beyond a weird jellyfish sponginess (we're being non-conned by our mattress!!! is about all I remember Acadia and I shrieking, before giving up and deciding to let jet lag (and booze and the fact it was, uh 1am local time) win. Sort of. Except that then Eli and Nell started playing with their bed remote.

"Nothing's happening!" Nell said.

"WHY AM I SINKING?" the tangle of deflated mattress and bed linen formerly known as me yelped.

Yeah. Their remote controlled my side of the bed, too. Only my side.

...there was a fairly extended bout of hysterical laughter and I confiscated the remotes from everyone in our room.

Not ten minutes later, I felt compelled to shout "WHY AM I RISING UP AGAIN?" This was because, as it turned out, O's mad skills of a ninja meant that her bed remote? The one in a different room? Also controlled my noncon jellyfish mattress.

There was more hilarity and mass hysteria, and also a gradual, sad subsidence where my mattress embraced me once more and Acadia got freaked out by how she was essentially sleeping next to a fangirl-consuming black hole of possibly malicious intent.

There was a degree of sleep and then, at about 3am:

"WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKING FUCK I DO NOT EVEN!" AKA, the noncon jellyfish mattress of doom appeared to have figured out how to turn itself on and was now pitching me around like the world's slowest wave machine. Acadia almost fell on me, and I actually did tip myself out of the bed and land on my arse. Nell and Eli were REALLY HELPFUL and laughed themselves to the point of incoherent wheezing.

The next day (well, later that day), in the con suite, we were filling people in on my continuing (and improved) Sleepnumber curse (and by that I mean that my roomies were pretty much acosting anyone who looked vaguely like an MJer, introducing me as Sleepnumber Girl, and inducing near-retching levels of laughing in all involved), when a couple of fangirls that I didn't directly know approached and went O_o and then said that, 1) they were in the room directly above ours, and, 2) at about 3am they'd been trying to get their beds to do some setting other than ROCKS ALL THE ROCKS.

...yeah. The remotes for the beds in ALL THE ROOMS near our cabal of booze apparently only controlled my jellyfish mattress of noncon.

Throughout the course of the weekend, much amusement was had stealth!jellyfishing all the fangirls that were in our rooms and attempted to sit on Acadia and mine's bed. The general consensus was pretty much HOW IS THIS REAL?!

( some point the jellyfish mattress got renamed Pete Wentz, but I do not EVEN REMEMBER WHY /o\) Long answer is long.

4. download (that's the festival you always go to, right?)
Sonisphere or Download, yep :D Sonisphere's the newbie in UK festival scene, but Download is what, in days of yore, was known as Monsters of Rock and Ozzfest, and both of them are primarily metal/rock/hardcore festivals. I seriously HEART the whole experience of going to festivals (camping, naturally *g*), and for previous years you should check out the post-festival reports that I never manage to finish writing. Um, oops. Basically, for me, festival is spending five days in a field, and feeling relaxed like you've had a 2 week holiday, with some of your best friends (plus new friends that you meet and then go camping with at subsequent festivals!) and incidentally HI THERE FAVOURITE BANDS, HOW YOU DOING? Also, legitimately drinking cider at 5am (4.30am was too early, what you think I'm an alcoholic?), discovering new music, seeing bands that I wouldn't necessarily fork out an entire ticket price just for (and often being really pleasantly surprised), and, sometimes, watching your tent float (or slide) away down a hill.

5. Muse

So there's this massively long post I could make about why I love the music that I do, but the really short version is this:

You know how these days there's all those Mozart for babies cds and stuff? I got vinyl and 8 track and the Beatles and Pink Floyd and more 80s metal and everything prog than you can easily shake a very large stick at.

(there was not a hope in hell of me ever becoming a bubblegum pop loving princess is what I'm saying)

So that was where I started with music. Being 4 years old and shouting I AM THE WALRUS, or being 6 years old and insisting on Wish You Were Here being played on endless repeat on every car journey (it's still my favourite Floyd album, with the caveat that I be allowed to listen to Echoes in full when I wish). So when I was sorta figuring out which bands I liked that weren't either no longer in existence, or were, well, kinda old, I stumbled across a cheapo gig up Camden Barfly for a band who were calling themselves both Rocket Baby Dolls and Muse (my dad totally took me and waited in the pub across the road lol).

The rest, as I'm sure many of you understand, is history. history that contains lots of gigs (of increasing size and ridiculousness), and posters, and inadvisable cd purchases (la la la that Japanese-only EP I paid to have imported specially la la la), and did I mention the gigs? I'm of the firm opinion that even if you're not that fond of Muse's music, you should still go see them live because there are bonkers-crazy stage shows, and then there are Muse's stage shows. Blimps. Blimps with acrobats. Face-meltingly awesome audio-visual integration and, oh yes, also the fact that Matt Bellamy pretty much gets down and has intimate relations with aaaalll of his instruments during the course of a show.

In conclusion, Knights of Cydonia (so those little bouncing pixels right down the front being ricocheted off each other and the front barrier? I'm one of them and it was SO MUCH FUN)

Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!

\o/, dorkiness ensues, muskratjamboree, yay, meme, omg, fannish

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