
Apr 30, 2011 00:10

Guys, I have just got back from seeing Tim Minchin (plus a motherfucking symphony ORCHESTRA) at the Royal Albert Hall and I have FEELINGS and GLEE and FLAIL and OMG THERE WAS "PREJUDICE" AND "ROCK & ROLL NERD" (WITH A MOTHERFUCKING ORCHESTRA) AND "WHITE WINE IN THE SUN" AND A SEVEN AND A HALF MINUTE SONG ABOUT CHEESE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

(and now me and V are perched in my room, watching CSI reruns, drinking booze and waiting for a pizza to reheat. Full of class, ALL OF IT THIRD :D)

Also on DreamWidth, comment where you will!

\o/, dorkiness ensues, yay, omg, fannish, flail, glee

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