lol whoops

Aug 03, 2010 20:58

So I'm going about transfering my Sonisphere pictures from my camera to my laptop, and from thence onto the wilderness of the bits of the internet that include my photobucket account, and I'm noticing several things:

1) I took a lot more pictures than I thought I had,

2) Many of those pictures have an amusing haze of blurriness to them, possibly due to the fact that...

3) I spent rather a lot of the weekend fairly well sozzled and apparently my camera skills are not too fantastic when I'm varying numbers of sheets to the wind la la la

b) Put it this way, the actual hangover part of a hangover, you know; the it where the inside of your head feels like it's been lined with curried wool and the only way forwards is magic fizzy water, aka, dispersible aspirin? That happened to me at lunchtime today. I stopped drinking early (um, like, 5am la la la) on Monday morning.

c) Well, a watered down version, because whilst I imbided great auantities of assorted things, I did it over time, not as a binge. Still. lol!hangover

4) One of the other reasons it's taking me so long to upload pictures is because I keep on remembering the context and scurrying off to youtube to watch videos (for the record, there's a fairly impressive cache of sonisphere 2010 @ knebworth up there already

5) My favourite set of the festival is, this year, a 3-way tie (last year, although Metallica were EPIC, Nine Inch Nails were detuned and acoustic and almost transcendental) of locked indecisiveness. For the record, the three are: Skunk Anansie (for completely rocking out and because Skin totally ignored the repeated efforts of the security detail to keep her on the stage and spent significant parts of the set either crowd surfing or flinging herself around the mosh pit, whilst still belting out lyrics), Apocalyptica (for being a metal band who don't have guitars, they have a string section. Upon which they bang out note-perfect metal and thrash music, sometimes whilst helicoptoring) and Rammstein (because. BECAUSE. They are insane and heavy and industrial and loud and FIRE and Ohne Dich is an awesome song and I luffs it)

\o/, dorkiness ensues, sonisphere, yay, omg, music

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