
Jan 19, 2010 17:31

FLIST, I may have actually written something in the order of 20,000 words of assorted fics (mostly Valdemar) in the past two weeks. I mean, what?

I've gotten so used to my writing being broken, and having to use things like flashfiction challenges to prise even the tiniest bit of narrative out of my head, and even then being very much down-to-the-wire with the whole completion thing, that the ease at which I've been scribbling all over word documents and notebooks and bits of paper has me a bit, y'know, freaked.

I mean, good-freaked in a way because, maaaan, writing. When it just flows, it totes makes me happy. But... there is also a degree of bad-freaked, because the only time writing is as easy as it's becoming (day by day, bit by bit) is when the brain chemistry's punting off in a decidedly upwards direction (which, uh: verbal diarrhoea, check; disturbed sleep patterns, check; disturbed appetite, check; assorted freakish tics and twitches making themselves known, check) and, hey: we seem to have decided that my long-period cycle is around about the 6 month mark, so I'm about due to go careening off into the land of crazycakes for a month or so.

I know you can't pick your mental condition (I'm saying condition over 'state' because I use the latter word in the medical sense, and believe you me that it's perfectly possible to force yourself into a particular mental state), because if we could then I reckon that a lot of people would be in the queue for adjustments but sometimes (nowtimes) I wish that the actively screwy bits of my bipolar cycle were more... average for lack of a better word. I don't actually know how to explain it bar waving my hands around an ineffectually mumbling something about how, when it comes to the concept of 'rapid cycling' my little circle in the Venn diagram of bipolar overlaps with very few others.

ANYWAY, enough of that nonsense. Writing, yay!

I'm also eyeing up some of the world-buildy ideas I've got scribbled around, because even though my actual ability to put the damn words into a sotry format and hammer them onto a page is erratic, my imagination has no problems in chugging along, producing stupid ideas. Potentially watch this space?

\o/, fandom:valdemar, fannish, writing, /o\

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