Just an FYI

Sep 19, 2008 19:59

Okay, so: coworker/housemate people? When you're in the room next to the one I'm in, with the door ajar, fairly loudly discussing work and then all of a sudden your voices suddenly go all whispery it's kinda blatently obvious that you're bitching about me.

Which, you know what? Yeah, everyone's been all ratty at work and I've in all likelihood been one of the worst offenders but, you know what? You're not the only one who's tired and pissy.

And you're certainly not the one has got to go have blood tests test week before a potential meds change, nor the one who is in a self-pitying and hermit-desiring frame of mind that is entirely unavoidable. Nor the one who's tolerance for being around any other people at all went into negative figures around about 9.01am on Monday and who has subsequently have baby panic attacks and freak outs every few hours.

Y'know, I'm pleased that G and E are such good friends and hang out and stuff and if it was just working with them, I'd think nothing more of it. But, hey, we all live in the same house too and sometimes? Sometimes it really fucking sucks.

(here's the rub: I don't, as a rule, like people all that much. I certainly don't like meeting strangers face-to-face and doing the whole introduction thing, so I don't, really. And when I'm in the frame of mind I'm currently in, the thought actively depresses and panics me--and aren't those a fun pair of sensations to experience simultaneously? Still, hideous jealousy and depression are not rational beasties and neither, particularly, am I)

Anyway. Ignore my pitiable pitying. There seems to be a global tide of irritation and bad things happening right across my flist at the moment. I think everyoneelse deserves a big squishy hug and the Canadian actor of their choice, wearing not very much at all.

In news that isn't filled with dank and stale woe, I'm pottering up to London this weekend to meet shexay_yasuda, who's visiting the country at the moment. Yayness. (fangirl interaction doesn't phase me. Everyone else interaction does. Go figure)
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