In which I grab hold of my face and say "by dose!" in a doleful fashion

Sep 12, 2008 20:27

For the record, epistaxis? Not so much with the fun times.

This announcement brought to you by recieving my fourth high-speed-dog to the face this afternoon. I suspect, by tomorrow, that I shall be sporting my perenial 'fugly racoon' look.

*is so classy*

In tangentially related news: a big bowl of golden syrup sponge pudding counts as a balanced and complete meal, right?

I mentioned the classy, right?

Swinging back to the work-related shenanigans, I've just realised why I have one mother of a sharp-trauma bruise coming up on my left thigh. It's from where the 21G 5/8" hypodermic needle ended up when the high-speed dog in question decided that it didn't want me to take a blood sample. I must look like a really inept druggie (um. Some healing claw marks look a bit like track lines, and there's also the incident with the venous cannula stylet which I think I neglected to blog about. This week is clearly 'e-cat sticks sharp things into her self entirely by stupid accident' week).

...really classy \o/

work, ways in which i fail

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