Icon/interest meme

Oct 26, 2007 22:17

From lipstickcat, belatedly:

Comment and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon (who doesn't love talking about their icons, seriously) and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squee-fest of love and 100x100 square pixels.


snh by chilipower. Once upon a time, an author named Terry Pratchett sat down and wrote the first book in what would become one of the most popular and long-running book series' in the world. In an entirely unrelated burst of genetic activity, I was born in the same year as the Discworld. We were destined to meet and fall deeply in typological love. SNH SNH SNH is the most irritating laugh ever heard, and it belongs to the Death of Rats, who is a small rodent skeleton in a robe. He also has a scythe. I loves him muchly as a character.

fandom_paint by Boji. I picked this up around the time of the whole strikethrough debacle. I like it and it's true. Not only do the wonderful fen I know paint outside the lines, they draw their own lines all over everything and make the world a prettier place.

ds_m_huskybear (I'm intrigued that team romance seems to be encouraging cross species romance *g*). Well. Team Romance got Diefenbaker, so Team Angst decided that their animal mascot should be a polar bear, specifically that bloody polar bear. Being, of course, pretty, shiny and generally nice people, Team Romance members immediately went and found images of husky/polar bear smooshes, to prove for once and all that love conquers all, even angsty (and quite possibly dyspeptic) polar bears.

mushrooms_blame. HEE. A hang-over from my Very First Acknowledged Fandom. Once upon a time, there was a writer who started on what was supposed to be a one shot. 96,000 words later, she found herself about as well-known as it's possible to get in the not-really-there Valdemar fandom, and forever and always associated with a talking white horse who excelled at tangents, sticking her hooves into her mouth (quite often at the same time), and having a completely and utterly irrational fear of all things fungi. Teva's almost catchphrase seems to have metamorphosed into Always blame the mushrooms.

absolution_man. Cover art from Muse's third studio album, Absolution. The full version of the cover is currently my laptop's desktop image.

hoppity_skip by chilipower. Second Discworld icon! This is something that Susan (governess, Duchess of Sto Helit and Death's Granddaughter) says to Gawain in the book Hogfather. It's one of my favourite books ever and not incidentally, also features Death of Rats and Quoth the Raven a lot. <3 <3

kalira by Senashenta. Second Valdemar icon! Except that this one is actually cropped cover-art of a canon character (the Companion Kalira from the book Brightly Burning).

dyheli- Are an intelligent race of non-humans that sort-of look like deer, and sort of look like gazelles. They're characters from Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar books and traditionally reside in the untamed lands of the Pelagirs and beyond. Most of the time their herds are associated with one of the Tayledras Clans. And I could go on about Valdemar back-canon and story until the cows come home, even now.

england- Is the country I live in.

farsight- One of the possible Mindmagic Gifts that exist in the Heralds of Valdemar books. Those who posses Farsight can magically 'see' things that are otherwise distant or hidden.

holly- Not the plant (although that's pretty cool), but the character from the BBC sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. Holly is the computer brain behind the Jupiter Mining Corporation ship Red Dwarf and has a reputed I.Q. of 6,000. Unfortunately, after spending 3 million years alone due to an unfortunate leak of radioactive cadmium, Holly's gone a little bit computer senile. By comparision, The Cat looks intelligent.

snow glass apples- A short fairy story. Snow White, Neil Gaiman style. There are not words to express my love of the awesomeness.

fiddler's green- A place that used to be the Heart of the Dreaming, is sometimes a person, and is said to resemble G. K. Chesterton. One of the characters-- one of my favourite secondary characters-- from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.

gelfs- Genetically Engineered Life Forms. In the Red Dwarf universe, there are no actual aliens, instead, the 3 million years that Lister spent in stasis (Rimmer spent being dead, Holly spent going computer senile and the Cat spent evolving) saw humankind get up to all kinds of things with genetic engineering. The results are, collectively, known as GELFs.
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