
May 14, 2007 21:11

1) I have a persistent itch right in the middle of my back. Right where my bra strap sits. Damn you flea bites. DAMN YOU. I keep spending my days twitching and squirming and I do that enough because of the whole tic-thing, kthnax, so why do I need to do it more? *sighs* This week's work experience kid spent most of the day giving me faintly worried looks when he thought I wasn't paying attention. Hah. You think this is crazy? This is nothing. Why do I get bitten the week after I spray the practice with insecticide? This is some kind of karma thing, isn't it? WOE.

2) Today at work I are mostly assisting Boss burr synovial fat pad and detached stiflular cartilege out of a German Shepherd Dog's right knee. /Fast Show impression

3) I'm writing some more! *boogies around* Apparently the journal/notebook I'm using right now has special powers of writingness. Or something.

4) Know what's good? Ferrero Rocher that have been in the freezer for 48 hours. OMGYUM.

5) Five currently has a programme about 'extreme' bodybuilders on. Classily it's called The Man Who's Arms Exploded. I'm not able to change the channel... it's sucking me in with its train-wreck like images and stories and... O_o

6) I got a really nice email today. From a complete and utterly random stranger who's apparently found me via my profile and-- and-- bless. Apparently I should aim to be published. Well, aim to be published for fictional things rather than incomprehensible things about endoscopy and theatre practice. Did I say bless? I'll say it again. Bless.

7) I don't really have a number seven, just a kind of pathetic whinge about the fact that I intelligently just tried to scratch my back with a black pen and now look like Picasso's sketchpad. I R SMRT, RLY. \o/

EDIT: Oh, wait, I did have a number seven. It was just whining about marking portfolio related stuff and seriously wondering if it's possible to beat oneself to death with the RCVS/Lantra Occupational Standards and Syllabus (2006/07 edition)? Experimentation (the things I do when I'm being a five year old about completing Health and Safety paperwork) concludes no. At least, not with my photocopied, softback version...

state of me

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