Supposedly Writing

Nov 28, 2005 13:30

Hi everyone!

Happy belated Thanksgiving. I hope it was nice for all of you. We managed to procure a turkey, make stuffing, sweet potatoes (with pink and white marshmallows on top), candied carrots, broccoli almondine, and a whole lot of chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies. The one tragedy: although South Africans eat a whole fuckin lot of pumpkin, they don't put it into nice little cans thus facilitating pumpkin pie. All in all it was a good time though. We all got together (or those of us still in PE) and ate lots and lots of food and walked on the beach and watched a movie.

Other news in my life...

I basically finished doing my research on friday. I hope I have enough to write this beast of a 30 page paper. I'm having a little bit of trouble with informed consent (as in I didn't get it for 4 of my interviews but I could probably turn them into "guided conversations" and skip it altogether, or go back and harass them for their signatures - my research methods class taught me well, eh?) So yeah, now I'm attempting to start writing the paper. The ideal plan is to push through this week, finish it, and then have a week to bum around here before we leave for Cape Town on the 11th (ps - it's going to be December soon!??!) We'll see if I can actually be that motivated.

The weather has been really nice the past couple of days, probably about 85 and sunny with a slight breeze. I've been to the beach a couple of times. I love the Indian Ocean. It's so much prettier than the Atlantic. The only downside is that I'm getting progressively more burned. I need to do some serious sunscreen control. But hey, maybe I'll be tan for the first time this summer (I still count this as summer).

Umm... I can't think of anything else terribly exciting that I've done. Lots more just day to day kind of stuff. Time seems to be passing really quickly though. I can't believe I'll be going home in 2.5 weeks. That's nothing.

I hope you are all doing well. Good luck on exams because I'm sure they're coming up soon. Much love.
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